Friday, September 28, 2007

Seed for Sept 28

Most Christians own the most powerful and beautiful car. But instead of getting in it and enjoying the power of that engine, they end up pushing their car. They push it everywhere they go, uphill, down hill, with great energy and gusto! They have failed to realize that they can just get in the car and go anywhere with the power of that great engine under the hood. What do I mean? We have the power of God resident inside each of us. He is that powerful motor that moves us. But most do not live by the power within, but try as hard as they can to be "Christians." It was never intended that you and I by our own power try to push our lives into a mold called "Christian" but for the living God within to empower us from heaven to do His Will. All we need do is present our bodies to Him as a vehicle for His presence and by faith move as the Spirit directs us. He is the power and source, not me. It was never about me, but always about Christ in me....the power of the Living God is Jesus within. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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