Sunday, September 16, 2007

Seed for September 16

Rom 7:9-109 Once I was alive apart from law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died.10 I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death.(NIV)

The above verse is very important for Christians to understand, yet few do. This verse speaks to us about the law of Moses. But it can be applied to any "religious law". Without the law, Paul said' I was once alive. In other words, I had no knowledge of sin. But when the law came, it showed me my sin, showed me to be guilty, and I died. The law which was good, proved to be death to me. The same thing can happen to us when we put our religious laws on believers. The law which is good, showed me to be bad. The law which was ordained to life, was used by sin nature in me, to kill me. Once we have an understanding of this spiritual truth, we will be reluctant to preach anything but the grace (good news) of God. Legalism only works to kill but the grace of God works to make alive. We are to give away, or preach, exactly what we need. We need mercy and grace, kindness and gentleness, meekness, temperance, and faith against such there is no law. But when we preach guilt and condemnation and legalism we don't make anyone alive, but we kill the hearer.

Let us be careful to minister the grace of God, let our lips continually pour forth God's grace and goodness. Grace is giving way what is not deserved.

Be blessed,

Billy and Jan Wells

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