Thursday, September 6, 2007

Seed for Sept 6

What can we add to the finished work of Calvary? Nothing! When Jesus said, "It is finished" then exactly what He said happened. There are some that think they can add to what Jesus did. They set about to become "holy". The beautiful thing about holiness or sanctification, in the Bible, is that it had nothing at all to do with purity (good or bad)....but only about being "set apart" for the Master's use. There is no good thing in us, Paul said, but to will is present. So how can we become "holy"? Not by good that I have done or can do, nothing but the blood of Jesus. He made me sanctified / holy (set apart for Him), and forgot my past, and robed me with His righteousness. Thus, once again, we see, it is all in Him. What do I have to boast about? Do I attend the right church? Wear the right clothes? Pray the right prayers? Confess the right doctrine (teachings)? Is that why I am holy? Is it because of me, of the things I have done or not done, is that why I am holy? Or is it because of Him, that He has covered me with His blood, robed me with His righteousness, and made be to be the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.? We are “holy” in as much as we are “set apart” for the Master’s use. “Holy” is not good or bad, but “set apart”. To be exact, He is looking for a body to do His will. An active presentation of ourselves to do the will of God is TRUE HOLINESS. Be blessed in His finished work.

Billy and Jan Wells

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