Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Seed for Sept 5

After the vain traditions of man, do many worship God. For the most part our worship is dictated by our "brand of denomination." But our God is a Spirit and He seeks true worshippers who worship in Spirit and Truth. Jesus accused the Pharisee's (the religious) of worshipping God in vain. Jesus called them whited tombs, all pretty and white outside but inwardly full of dead men's bones (death). I do not want the Lord Jesus to say that of my worship. Paul claimed to worship God after the manner his forefathers (the religious) called "heresy” (false). Jesus came breaking all the rules, too, healing on the Sabbath, eating with unwashed hands, making Himself equal with God. As a result the most religious people on the earth (the Jews) killed Him. It is time for us to reflect upon our own manner of worship. Do we follow simply the dictates of men’s religion? Do we worship God after men's traditions, full of motion and effort, but yielding little results? Or do we just put God in a small box for Sunday morning and call that true worship?

When we realized the real plan of God, for Him to live out His live in and thru us, it eliminates the pretense of "vain religious efforts" trying to please God. He is pleased in the blood of Jesus and the active presentation of our daily lives to Him. What more need we do, than to say, "Here I am Lord, live your life thru me? Here is my body to express your life and will in me”. That is true worship! Be blessed.

Drawing a straight line,
Billy and Jan Wells
San Antonio, TX (our blog)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A fresh air of what Jesus preached the expanding of His Kingdom here on earth. myles Munroe has been given great insight on Kingdom experience and its expansion.

I believe this is informain needed to have the Bride getting ready for Jesus return. This present genertion is about to run out. Joe Lunday a son of God living the kingdom live that Jesus gave me to live until He returns. Return soon King Jesus for your are our Lord.