Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Seed for September 18

There are only 2 types of Christians, Spirit led and carnal. The carnal Christian is represented by the "wilderness" experience of Israel after leaving their Egypt (sin). All that Israel was able to do, was wander around feeding their carnal appetites until they were all buried in the wilderness and they never reached the Promised Land!

The Lord had better plans for them, as well as for us. Jesus never intends for us to just wander around from circumstance to circumstance wondering why did this happen to me, or "poor me"! The Lord wants us to walk in victory. He wants us to get past the infantile age of whining and crying, and go forward in victory and take our inheritance in the Spirit. We are to be more than conquerors, with more than abundant life. We are to walk in peace and victory, and to defeat every giant in our way. We are to possess the land for the Kingdom of God and eat from a land flowing with milk and honey. We are to enjoy the promised land now . It is not speaking of heaven someday .

Israel gets to "bitter" water and complains. Israel eats angel's food and complains. Israel see a problem and complains. That is a carnal Christian, always whining and complaining at every situation and at every turn in life.

Joshua and Caleb had "another" spirit and said "We are able and well able to take the land!" That is a Spiritual Christian. Examine yourself, Paul said. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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