Monday, September 24, 2007

Seed for Sept 24

After the traditions of men, some people try to worship God. But the Lord has said in His Word, that He seeks true worshipers. A true worshiper is one that will worship God in Spirit and Truth. He is not looking for us to suffer, (for some worship the sufferings of Christ), nor is He looking for us to be religious in our traditions, but to be free. We are to lift holy hands, and our voices in praise. We are to make melody and praise in our hearts, and the fruit of our lips to be praise to His name continually. We are to enjoy the peace, joy and love of the Holy Ghost. We are not to recite vain prayers with no life, nor substance, but we are to pray to Him from our hearts making our prayers and request known. We are to confess our sins to Him and trust Him for forgive and cleanse us completely. We cannot pay for our own sins, by our own suffering or penitence. It is the blood of Jesus that pays completely for our guilt. Religion is a hard taskmaster, having a form of godliness but never able to come to or acknowledge the Truth. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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