Monday, September 17, 2007

Seed for September 17

We are to rejoice ever more. We are to give thanks without ceasing. In all things we are to acknowledge Him and He will direct our steps.

We have to trust Him in order to rejoice in Him. We have to believe Him in order to give thanks in everything. The only way that we can rejoice and give thanks and acknowledge Him to direct our steps is if we believe that we know Him accurately. The word of God is the written will of God. Just as when a man dies and leaves a will and executor of that will exactly performs the word that is written. A testament is a will. And the will does not become in effective until the death of the testator. This means to us that the word of God is the will of God, and it became effective at the death of Jesus Christ. We are to read the words of that will and to execute it perfectly. Is the Almighty without power? Is the Almighty powerful enough to be able to create the universe and yet not able to deliver His word accurately to us?

Ask yourself , is the one who speaks in DNA code, Creator of the universe out of nothing, unable to guide minds and the hands of men to deliver His will and testament to us accurately? I think not. It doesn’t matter how many men touch the Word of God. Of course we will leave our flavor on his word. But the meat of what is said will be an accurate. Most people do not understand that the Bible is not written in English or Spanish or French or German, but the word of God is written in Spirit. God is spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and truth. His word is Spirit and truth. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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