Our experience in Christ is a living relationship. We are to grow in grace and knowledge. We are to grow up into Him in all things. We are to no longer be children, but to come to full stature in Christ. All these admonitions from the Word tell us that our relationship is like that of a child to adult relationship. We start out as infants, and are to progress to Heirship. As long as we are infants in the Lord, we are like servants. But the goal is to become Him in the earth. The actual manifestation of His Body, the manifestation of His presence to a dark and dying world is our the goal. Listen to Paul, "Let this same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who thought it not robbery to be equal with God..." That is a profound thought. Let that mind be in you that was in Christ. Who made no show of His flesh, but plainly and simply manifested God to the people. He was the living Word. What a great responsibility we have, to manifest the invisible God and His Word to the people. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Seed for Nov 29
We are admonished when we pray to not use vain repetitions, because people who do, think they will be heard for their much speaking! What is a vain repetition? It is the reciting of some prayer, or chant of some memorized prayer, that can simply be "mouthed" and not spoken from the heart. God wants real interaction with us. God knows our hearts, and wants us to speak to Him from our hearts. He has said in His Word to ask that He might give it to us, to manifest His own goodness. He challenges us to prove Him at His Word, so the most powerful prayers prayed are His Word! Be careful that you have not learned some childhood memorized prayer and think God is listening. But the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much. He does not hear us for our much speaking, but for the content of our heart-felt prayer and petition! Does God honor prayers prayed from a prayer bead? I think not, but He calls them "vain" repetition. Let’s not waste our time in prayer, but pray in a manner that glorifies God and manifest His realness in our lives. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Seed for Nov 28
The fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much. This quote is from the Bible and is speaking of Elisha who prayed that it not rain for 3.5 yrs and then again after 3.5 yrs prayed for rain. I think the most important part of this verse is for us to remember that Elisha was praying the "will of God." Too many people praying trying to change God's mind about things, and find their prayers seem to hit a brick wall. Wonder why? The answer to those prayers is "NO" but they cannot seem to accept that. We pray for God to move, and when He does in a certain situation, we cry "calf rope," because God did not move in the manner we thought. God sees the end in from the beginning. He sees tomorrow as we see yesterday. When we pray for the Lord to move in certain situations, He knows how to move in the best way. Not always our way, but none the less, the very best for the situation! That is what faith is...trusting Him to do the very best, even when we can't see it. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Seed for Nov 27
When I was young in the Lord, and very zealous for Him, I use to wish there was a visible "green" and "red" light that I could see. That way I would be able to see when I was living well pleasing to Him and when "red" came on I was not doing so good. Seems silly now, but really this is how most people live. They are unable to determine when their lives are well pleasing to the Lord. I will let you in or a little secret it took me years to know. Jesus lived the life well pleasing to God, not me! God sees us thru the blood of Jesus and Jesus has become our attorney of fact, pleading our cause of "justification" before the throne. What is justification? Simply put "Just-as-if-I-had-never-sinned". Since none are, were or could be perfect, Jesus lived that life well pleasing to God and then gave us His robe of righteousness. I am covered, all my faults, transgressions, short coming, are covered under His robe that He gave to me to wear. So when God sees me...He sees the righteousness of Christ Jesus covering me. No red light/green light here! Just a conscience speaking to me! It is just me presenting my life to Him, and allowing Him to live thru me. He took my place in death, so I take His place in life. Isn't the Lord wonderful? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, November 26, 2007
Seed for Nov 26
The purpose of the 10 commandments, the Law of God, was never meant to make a man perfect. It was the measuring stick to show us how short we were from the perfection that God requires. Preachers that tell you, "Just keep the 10 commandments and you will be saved" are doing you a great injustice! There will be no man declared "not guilty" (justified) by the keeping of the 10 commands. Living a moral life, being a good citizen, being a church goer has nothing to do with salvation. "Religion" has blinded our eyes to the truth. Unless we live of the Tree of Life (Jesus) then we have no hope. Unless we have the Son (Jesus) in us then we have no Life! Being moral and good, is just not enough. If anyone could have been good enough to be saved without Jesus, then He paid a terrible price for nothing! You have Cain and Abel, and they both brought their sacrifice to the Lord. With Abel's the Lord was pleased but with Cain's He was not. What was the difference? One was the blood of the innocent (what God requires), and the other was "religion" man doing it his way. One was accepted and one rejected. That is what is going to happen to many on Judgment Day, some accepted and many rejected. There is only one way in, and that is thru the Son. He that Son has Life and he that has not the Son as NOT Life. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Seed for Nov 25
David said His Word is a lamp and a light. Anyone that has walked in the dark knows what a blessing it is to have even a small amount of light to shine upon the path we are walking. If there is not any light then it is a sure thing that we will either get off the trail or stumble and fall along the way. So the road of life is full of twist, turns, rocks and uneven footing. So without some sort of light shining upon our path, we are sure to stumble and fall. By reading and studying the Word of God it becomes a beacon of light guiding us thru the darkness of life. Many have said, "I don't know how to read the Bible. It is too hard to understand, or too boring and confusing." That is just not so, if we know how to go about reading it. Get you an easy read Bible, such as the NIV. Start reading in the book of St. John, and read about the life and ministry of Jesus. Then proceed to Acts, which is the history of the 1st church. Read Acts at least 3 times, then proceed to the letters following Acts, which were written to the saved saints on how they ought to live in this present world. Sandwich in some reading of the Old Testament, Gen, Exodus, Psalms, Proverbs, Eccl. By then you will have a great start and the light will be shining brightly toward that perfect day. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Seed for Nov 24
It is not hard to see who, by faith, is plugged into the Spirit. It is not for the good that we do, for in us is no good thing. We have the will, Paul talked about in Rm 7, but the "how to" we do not have. Oh, sure we all can act "good" for a while, but when the chips are down, and the pressure on, the true nature of us will surface for all to see, especially ourselves! But when we are plugged into the Spirit by faith, then we take on His nature. It becomes Him in us, living and willing and doing. The Bible says He is the author and finisher of our faith. It is all about Him. We were given the moon as our example. The moon has no light of its own, just as we have no Godly light of our own. But the moon reflects the glory of the Sun, and we see the beauty of the sun thru the light reflected from the moon. We have no beauty of our own, that is worth mentioning, but we can reflect the beauty of God, by staying connected to Him by faith, and allowing Him to live and manifest Himself thru us. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Friday, November 23, 2007
Seed for Nov 23
I have found thru the years that when the Lord wills something, He always makes a way. It is not my word He is upholding, but His own word. What I have to do, as His servant, is to look for the open door. My prayer often is, "Lord, open the doors you want me to walk thru, and close those door that I should not go thru." As a result, my life has been looking for the opened door the Lord sets before me, and to stop trying to kick open the doors He has shut. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Seed for Nov 22
Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercies endure forever. So said the Psalmist and so say I. This is the day of Thanksgiving. We have much to thank the Lord for. How can we count all our blessings, which are too numerous! I hope you all have a blessed day with family and friends and most of all remember to give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Seed for Nov 21
What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it just an affirmation that there is/was a Jesus? Does it mean joining a religious sect/denomination? It is just a happy confession of faith? It is shaking a preacher's hand, being baptized, having some religious experience (vision, voice, dream, feeling)?
Ask 100 people and probably get 100 different answers. Being a Christian, literally means being a disciple (follower) of Jesus. Jesus said in order to do that, one had to be born again. John 3:3. It is that new birth, the planting of God's seed in us, that makes us Christian (a new creature). We then become citizens of that Kingdom, by being born into that spiritual realm. Nothing short of the reality of being born again of His seed can make us Christian.
Being Christian is allowing the Life within to be expressed in earth (us) as it is in heaven. Being Christian is reckoning ourselves dead, and He alive in us. Being Christian is a living expression of the Life within. Not an act of will worship, or mental conquest of the human nature. We are all sons of Adam by natural birth, and we can all become Sons of God by divine birth. We can only become a Son of God if God's life is in us. Then it is not us, but He that lives inside that both wills and does in us. Thus it is Him and not I. That is what a real Christian is. Being a part of the God’s real body in the earth.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Ask 100 people and probably get 100 different answers. Being a Christian, literally means being a disciple (follower) of Jesus. Jesus said in order to do that, one had to be born again. John 3:3. It is that new birth, the planting of God's seed in us, that makes us Christian (a new creature). We then become citizens of that Kingdom, by being born into that spiritual realm. Nothing short of the reality of being born again of His seed can make us Christian.
Being Christian is allowing the Life within to be expressed in earth (us) as it is in heaven. Being Christian is reckoning ourselves dead, and He alive in us. Being Christian is a living expression of the Life within. Not an act of will worship, or mental conquest of the human nature. We are all sons of Adam by natural birth, and we can all become Sons of God by divine birth. We can only become a Son of God if God's life is in us. Then it is not us, but He that lives inside that both wills and does in us. Thus it is Him and not I. That is what a real Christian is. Being a part of the God’s real body in the earth.
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Seed for Nov 20
The goodness of God leads a man to repentance. Too many think that the "terror" of God will lead men to God, but the Bible says the opposite. If that is true, then why do we threaten men with "hell," damnation, burning, torments if they don't serve the Lord? What is the greatest motivation factor, fear or love? That is easy...it is love. That is why we as Christians should always brag on Jesus. We should declare the goodness of the Lord, thus leading men to repentance. Who wouldn't want to serve a great God? Who would want to serve a God that is ready to bust your knuckles every time you mess up? Not me!
Paul every chance he had, would tell his story of his conversion. "Let me tell you what happened to me on the road to Damascus." Paul never threatened men with fear of God to get them to know the Lord. Our job is to tell everyone that will listen what a great pleasure it is to serve a living and loving God. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. With everyone you meet, you can tell your story…how you were converted on the road to “destruction”!
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Paul every chance he had, would tell his story of his conversion. "Let me tell you what happened to me on the road to Damascus." Paul never threatened men with fear of God to get them to know the Lord. Our job is to tell everyone that will listen what a great pleasure it is to serve a living and loving God. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. With everyone you meet, you can tell your story…how you were converted on the road to “destruction”!
Be Blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, November 19, 2007
Seed for Nov 19
Trusting Him is knowing He is always leading. Can we really say, “Your will be done in my life?” Is His will that good and perfect will to us? Are we in harmony with the will of God or are we constantly in conflict? How is our conscience? Do we have peace in what we are going through knowing it is the Hand of God bringing us here? Israel was brought to the Red Sea to see God’s greatest victory for them. It looked like disaster, but do we see with our eyes or with His? Israel was brought to “bitter waters” and all they did was complain. The plan of God was for them to apply the “tree” to the bitter waters and they became sweet to drink. We all have bitterness from time to time in life, but we are to apply the cross and change our bitterness to sweetness.
His way is always the best way. His will is the best will. His way is the best way. His life is the best life. Next time we come to one of those bitter, trying experiences in our lives, just remember He is leading us. He has brought me to the Red Sea to show His glory and not to destroy me.
Be blesse,
Billy and Jan Wells
His way is always the best way. His will is the best will. His way is the best way. His life is the best life. Next time we come to one of those bitter, trying experiences in our lives, just remember He is leading us. He has brought me to the Red Sea to show His glory and not to destroy me.
Be blesse,
Billy and Jan Wells
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Seed for Nov 18
Gen 11:3-93 They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth."5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building.6 The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.9 That is why it was called Babel-- because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.(NIV)
The world had just been destroyed by a flood, so men decided they would build their own tower of "salvation," and make a "name" for themselves. God confused their efforts, but the spirit of Babylon exist today, where men are still trying to make their own way to heaven, and build up their own names..."religious names" (denominations). There is nothing more confusing (Babel) than all the doctrines of men that permeates the Kingdom of God, each trying to elevate their own name, and building their own towers to heaven, glorifying themselves and living deliciously in the world. Men fleecing the flock of God so that they may live in golden palaces (Rome), built off the back of the poor people. There will be a day of judgment, but we are not to be discouraged in the mean time, knowing that God is faithful. We are to know them that labor among us, and by their fruits we are to know them. We are to judge a righteous judgment and speak the truth in love to every man. Be Bless,
Billy and Jan Wells
The world had just been destroyed by a flood, so men decided they would build their own tower of "salvation," and make a "name" for themselves. God confused their efforts, but the spirit of Babylon exist today, where men are still trying to make their own way to heaven, and build up their own names..."religious names" (denominations). There is nothing more confusing (Babel) than all the doctrines of men that permeates the Kingdom of God, each trying to elevate their own name, and building their own towers to heaven, glorifying themselves and living deliciously in the world. Men fleecing the flock of God so that they may live in golden palaces (Rome), built off the back of the poor people. There will be a day of judgment, but we are not to be discouraged in the mean time, knowing that God is faithful. We are to know them that labor among us, and by their fruits we are to know them. We are to judge a righteous judgment and speak the truth in love to every man. Be Bless,
Billy and Jan Wells
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Seed for Nov 17
There is just one way to God. With over 1200 religions in the world, and 400 denominations in America, is there any wonder why people are confused? This way, that way, our way, no way...what is one to do? How are we to know? Who is right and who is wrong, or is everyone right and any road will do? Confused yet?
I found an easy solution to the whole dilemma over 30 years ago. Throw out all the religions and denominations and pick up the Word of God and see what He has to say. I found it to be a really easy solution. Life is in the Son and he that has the Son has life and he that has not the Son has not Life. Now how easy can that be? If you had to be smart to get it right, then who could be saved? If you have to be rich to be saved, or poor to be saved, then who could get it right? If you had to be white, black, brown, yellow to be saved then who could get it right? If you had to have this natural birth right, or religious upbringing to get it right, then who could be saved? If you had to hold your mouth a special way, or say a magic word, or have some magic candle lit then who could be saved? You see, all these things that we say that you must have or do to be saved is more than God required. Abraham had faith and it was counted for righteousness for him. You see Abraham believed God, believed enough to do His Word. Abraham had the Son by faith. Abraham believed God!
Jesus alone has immortality. He that has the Son has life. If you want eternal life, then you must have the Son. Life is only in the Son, and only by having the Son can one have life. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus said, "I am the Way the Truth and the Life." There you go! You got religion? I have Jesus. You have theology? I have Jesus. You have the right denomination? I have Jesus.
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
I found an easy solution to the whole dilemma over 30 years ago. Throw out all the religions and denominations and pick up the Word of God and see what He has to say. I found it to be a really easy solution. Life is in the Son and he that has the Son has life and he that has not the Son has not Life. Now how easy can that be? If you had to be smart to get it right, then who could be saved? If you have to be rich to be saved, or poor to be saved, then who could get it right? If you had to be white, black, brown, yellow to be saved then who could get it right? If you had to have this natural birth right, or religious upbringing to get it right, then who could be saved? If you had to hold your mouth a special way, or say a magic word, or have some magic candle lit then who could be saved? You see, all these things that we say that you must have or do to be saved is more than God required. Abraham had faith and it was counted for righteousness for him. You see Abraham believed God, believed enough to do His Word. Abraham had the Son by faith. Abraham believed God!
Jesus alone has immortality. He that has the Son has life. If you want eternal life, then you must have the Son. Life is only in the Son, and only by having the Son can one have life. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus said, "I am the Way the Truth and the Life." There you go! You got religion? I have Jesus. You have theology? I have Jesus. You have the right denomination? I have Jesus.
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Friday, November 16, 2007
Seed for Nov 16
There is just something about that name! Call Him, God, Christ, King, Saviour, Lord or what ever and those surely are His titles, but when you mention the name of Jesus things really change! They beat the disciples and commanded them not to preach any longer in that NAME. They didn't say don't preach, but "don't use that name!" You see the devils tremble and hate that name. He was given the highest name that can be named. At the name of Jesus every knee will bow and tongue confess! "Even the devils are subject to us in your name!" Some people say we make too much of the name, but how can you make light of the greatest name ever?!? Isaiah said his name shall be called "Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father", but even that could not compare to His name! The angels brought that name from heaven, and told Mary "you shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins." Could you imagine going to a church service where they never mentioned the name of Jesus? I have. The mentioned all around his name, Christ, and Saviour, but never mention the name of Jesus in the whole service! To me, there is just something precious about that name! Jesus.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Seed for Nov 15
There is nothing more exact than Mathematics. In any language, in any country, even in space mathematics is an exacting science. Whether on top of a mountain, or in the lowest part of the sea 1+1 is always 2. There is not time nor place where mathematics cannot be right. You may have a question to the meaning of a word. There may be questions about correct translation of a word or phrase. There may be arguments about origins, or dates or history or the future. But there is one thing that you can count on, and that is that you can count on mathematics always being true right and accurate, no matter what. I guess that is why God's Word made this statement. "Reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to Christ." And the word "reckon" comes from the same word that has to do with accounting and accounting has to do with mathematics. In other words "count is so" is to reckon.
As sure as 1+1=2 so are we to reckon (accounting term) ourselves dead to sin. Sin has no more dominion over us. A dead man is free from the power of sin and temptation in his life. When did we die? Is it future? Or is it fact? Romans 6 said we were crucified with Christ. So at the same time He died, I died. The power of sin is broken in my life, and I can take that to the Bank! Remember everything spiritual works by faith. When I put my faith in His fact (The Word of God) then it becomes true in my life. So reckon it so!
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
As sure as 1+1=2 so are we to reckon (accounting term) ourselves dead to sin. Sin has no more dominion over us. A dead man is free from the power of sin and temptation in his life. When did we die? Is it future? Or is it fact? Romans 6 said we were crucified with Christ. So at the same time He died, I died. The power of sin is broken in my life, and I can take that to the Bank! Remember everything spiritual works by faith. When I put my faith in His fact (The Word of God) then it becomes true in my life. So reckon it so!
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Seed for Nov 14
I am sure if you have ever planted a garden, you must have marveled when you opened the radish seeds and saw how tiny they were. Yet you still planted them just the right depth and covered them up and expected them to grow, which they did. Even more amazing is how tiny the seed of a man is in his sperm. It is invisible to the naked eye, yet able to produce not something so small as a radish but something too wonderfully made as a human being! Seems the smaller the seed the greater the results. Could you even imagine the seed of faith that is so tiny it cannot be seen (invisible), yet when planted in my heart, changed my nature from a son of Adam to a Son of God. How wonderful is the plan of God. The smallest seed yields the greatest result! Now that is amazing!
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Seed for Nov 13
Jesus taught that there is only 2 roads in life that we can be on. The broad way leading to destruction and many are on that road, and the narrow way that leads to life and only a few find it. I like how simply the good news is laid out for us. Only 2 choices and every one of us and everyone we know is on one of these 2 roads. One road leads to life and one to death. One is a broad highway, and one a narrow straight path of light shining brighter and brighter to that perfect day. Jesus said He is that road to Life, by claiming to be the life and resurrection. He said that He is the Way, and stated plainly He was the "only" way. If one tries to get in some other way, other than by Jesus, he is the same as a thief and robber. So we need to ask ourselves, which of the only 2 roads are we on. Are we on the road to life? Have we put all our trust in Him, the Life and Light of our lives? Are we leaning all our weight and understanding upon Him? Are we living by His Word, for He alone has the Words to eternal life? Only 2 roads, one leads to life and one to death. Behold, the Lord said, I set before you life and death, choose life and live, for why will you die, O house of Israel? Be blessed
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, November 12, 2007
Seed for Nov 11
We often find ourselves living to "please" God. We might ask ourselves, "Have I prayed enough? Have I witnessed enough? Did I study today?" etc. Which are not bad things, in themselves, but you see, we don't work to please God. God is pleased with the sacrifice of Jesus, and as a result God sees us thru the blood of Jesus and is pleased with us without us doing a thing! That is powerful and needs repeating. The Lord is pleased with the sacrifice for sin, and sees us thru the blood of Jesus. In fact we are hidden in Him (Jesus) and so when the Lord looks at us, He sees Jesus. Why then must we work to "please" God? Not necessary. And that sure takes the struggle out of Christian living of trying to be worthy. What then must I do? Present my body a living sacrifice to God. He bought me so I present myself to Him. I walk in the Spirit, which is a natural process of the Life within me. Example: We cannot over come the power of gravity, we cannot fly. But a bird has life within that allows it to fly and overcome gravity. I cannot please God, but the Life within has, so I live by the life within. I live, yet not I...Jesus lives in me! Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Seed for Nov 10
The scourge of this century is credit, living on borrowed money. Living beyond our means. Living on the “edge”. Have you noticed how hard they sell credit on TV in the evenings? Buy a new car and truck, little down and little per month. Get a new low interest credit card, or pay off your credit card debt with a new “loan”! Put a second mortgage on your home, one is not enough, and on and on. Don’t buy your furniture, but rent it! They market credit like a commodity, and the American people fall into the trap of bondage of debt. The Bible was wise when it said “owe nothing to any man”. Who ever borrows money is in bondage to the lender. The more the debt, the greater the bondage. You will never get ahead in life spending tomorrow’s money, today. We have to learn to say “No” and to defer our wants until our means are available. I wish someone had share “Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey with me when I was young. What I difference is has already made in our lives in the last 3 years, but what a greater difference it would have made. Spend less then you earn, have an emergency fund, and get out of debt. Experience the freedom from the bondage of debt that the Lord Jesus wants you to enjoy. Be Blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
The scourge of this century is credit, living on borrowed money. Living beyond our means. Living on the “edge”. Have you noticed how hard they sell credit on TV in the evenings? Buy a new car and truck, little down and little per month. Get a new low interest credit card, or pay off your credit card debt with a new “loan”! Put a second mortgage on your home, one is not enough, and on and on. Don’t buy your furniture, but rent it! They market credit like a commodity, and the American people fall into the trap of bondage of debt. The Bible was wise when it said “owe nothing to any man”. Who ever borrows money is in bondage to the lender. The more the debt, the greater the bondage. You will never get ahead in life spending tomorrow’s money, today. We have to learn to say “No” and to defer our wants until our means are available. I wish someone had share “Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey with me when I was young. What I difference is has already made in our lives in the last 3 years, but what a greater difference it would have made. Spend less then you earn, have an emergency fund, and get out of debt. Experience the freedom from the bondage of debt that the Lord Jesus wants you to enjoy. Be Blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Friday, November 9, 2007
Seed for Nov 9
I Jn 3:2121 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God;(NAS)
In other words, if we are convicted, we have to know that God is greater than our heart and He is the One doing the convicting. Our conscience is that still small voice speaking to us. If our heart does not convict us or condemn us, then we can have confidence before God. The only problem is most people stopped listening to that conscience voice very long ago. It speaks so quietly now that they just don't hear it at all. We need to ask God to teach us to hear Him (our conscience). Please, Lord, make us open and tender to the leading and prompting of the Lord. When we feel guilty about something, or we are "warned" about something, we need to be able to listen and be exercised by that feeling (conscience). If our heart (conscience) is convicting us, then know God is greater than our heart and is trying to speak to us about something. i.e. You mistreat someone, or you are short, or hateful, you get that feeling later on, "I should have not acted that way." God is speaking to your heart. Do hear that? God is speaking to your heart! Wouldn't it be wonderful to be as tender to the Lord as we were when we were little children. I still remember when my conscience spoke loudly as a child. And I can still hear my conscience saying..."don't, or watch out, or that was not too cool...etc...". My goal is to hear Him in that still small voice of my conscience and obey His every leading.
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
In other words, if we are convicted, we have to know that God is greater than our heart and He is the One doing the convicting. Our conscience is that still small voice speaking to us. If our heart does not convict us or condemn us, then we can have confidence before God. The only problem is most people stopped listening to that conscience voice very long ago. It speaks so quietly now that they just don't hear it at all. We need to ask God to teach us to hear Him (our conscience). Please, Lord, make us open and tender to the leading and prompting of the Lord. When we feel guilty about something, or we are "warned" about something, we need to be able to listen and be exercised by that feeling (conscience). If our heart (conscience) is convicting us, then know God is greater than our heart and is trying to speak to us about something. i.e. You mistreat someone, or you are short, or hateful, you get that feeling later on, "I should have not acted that way." God is speaking to your heart. Do hear that? God is speaking to your heart! Wouldn't it be wonderful to be as tender to the Lord as we were when we were little children. I still remember when my conscience spoke loudly as a child. And I can still hear my conscience saying..."don't, or watch out, or that was not too cool...etc...". My goal is to hear Him in that still small voice of my conscience and obey His every leading.
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Seed for Nov 8
God is faithful. His nature is His faithfulness. There is one thing that we can count on and that is that God is true to His Word, He is faithful. By His Word and faithfulness He hung the Universe and created the World. His faithfulness has been demonstrated thru out the Bible. What God says He does! If you ever said that God said, when God did not say, then you had to pay with your life! Your lie had affected God's faithfulness. Abraham waited 25 years for the faithfulness of God to come in the form of the promised son. King David waited 16 years after the anointing to finally sit on the throne, but God was faithful.
Because God's divine nature is faithful, then inside that Seed planted in us, are all His characteristics. That Seed planted in us will produce the nature of God inside us. Paul said it is God who both wills and does in us. Though we are tried, count it all joy, for our God is faithful and will not let His Word fall to the ground.
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Because God's divine nature is faithful, then inside that Seed planted in us, are all His characteristics. That Seed planted in us will produce the nature of God inside us. Paul said it is God who both wills and does in us. Though we are tried, count it all joy, for our God is faithful and will not let His Word fall to the ground.
Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Seed for Nov 7
Inside every seed is potential. That potential is the possibility to produce like kind. Or to produce a copy of it's parent. All the life and fruit of the future generation is locked up inside that tiny seed, and if that seed is planted it can produce a future generation. The power of a giant oak is locked up inside a tiny acorn. All the potential power of human life is locked up in the tiny seed of a man. And if all that is true, then all the power of God is locked up in the tiny seed of faith we receive when we believe the good news! Even His power over death is resident in that seed of faith. The same power that spoke the worlds into existence is locked up inside the seed of faith we receive. The goal of the Spirit is for that seed to not remain only a seed, but to be planted in our hearts and to grow up into Him (thus producing like kind). The power of all the universe resident in that seed and you and I receive it by faith. Now lets us be fully rooted and grounded in Truth and Love, and manifest the fruit of the Spirit to the lost world. We declare He lives, we are the fruits of His resurrection. How do I know Jesus rose from the dead? He planted His seed in me and now He lives, not I, but Him. Be blessed,
Billly and Jan Wells
Billly and Jan Wells
Seed for Nov 6
When you hold a tiny seed in your hand, you have no idea what will be the result of the planting of that seed. Because, you see, the end result of a seed is not at all like the appearance of that seed. But what is resident in that seed is all the genetic history of that plant all the way back to the Garden of Eden. So both future and past is in every seed. We are planted with the Seed of God. All that is of God is resident in that Seed. The end result looks nothing like the Seed. But when that Seed is planted in us it will grow up into Him, Paul said. Of course in the beginning we might be like little children tossed too and fro, by every wind and wave of teaching, but we are to grow up INTO HIM. We are to Grow up not stay little children. The Seed of the Gospel of Truth is planted in the heart of every believer with the HOPE of God. What is that Hope? That He be fully formed in us, and His Will be done in us as it is heaven. You sure won't hear that taught in most pulpits, but that is what is taught in the Word of God. Let me ask, when men's teaching contradict the Word of God, who is right and who is wrong? Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, November 5, 2007
Seed for Nov 5
The Bible says we are to love the Truth and to seek after the Truth like a buried treasure. What ever roads in life we have to go down to find Truth is well worth the journey. There have been many twists and turns in my life leading me to a clearer understanding of Truth. The Word says if we do not love the Truth, then we will believe a lie and be damned. So we can see that Truth is of the utmost importance in all our getting! There are many voice in the world claiming to be the Truth, have the Truth, who are nothing but lying spirits. I use to think this or that "denomination" had Truth and all others were wrong. Boy, was I deceived! After more than 30 years on the quest to find Truth, and with all the twists and turns in my life, I have discovered one sure and firm foundation. I know the Truth. It was not this or that religion, denomination, secret writing, mystical guru, but quite simply, it was there all the time right in front of my face. I searched here and there and studied this and that discipline, and this and that religion and this and that denomination. You know what I found? Do you know where I discovered Truth? Jesus. Jesus is the Way Truth and the Life. If you think you have discovered Truth and it is not Jesus, keep on looking, as you have not found it yet. Jesus is the end of the story. He is the Author and Finisher of our fatih. Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Seed for Nov 4
Rev 3:17-18
17 You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
Problem with the 7th Church, the church age of the “lukewarms” was that they could not see. They had the clothes, money in the bank, new house, new cars, and everything else money could buy, but could not see. They thought they had no needs at all. They attend the fine church building, at the “First” church, fine congregation, fine respect in society, yet unable to see their true spiritual condition. Every verse in this book is written for our admonition, teaching and instruction. But yet many still cannot see, they live in the age of the Lukewarm church. They are neither hot nor cold for Jesus, they have settled into “normalness”. The Bible says they can’t see their own condition, because of abundance. That my friend is America and her churches for the most part.
What do we need to do? Anoint our eyes to see what Jesus sees. Put on His righteousness, and buy the spiritual gold things that count in the Kingdom. Stop going to “church” and start being the Church (the Body of God in the earth). Are we on fire for God all the other days of the week besides just on Sundays? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
17 You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
Problem with the 7th Church, the church age of the “lukewarms” was that they could not see. They had the clothes, money in the bank, new house, new cars, and everything else money could buy, but could not see. They thought they had no needs at all. They attend the fine church building, at the “First” church, fine congregation, fine respect in society, yet unable to see their true spiritual condition. Every verse in this book is written for our admonition, teaching and instruction. But yet many still cannot see, they live in the age of the Lukewarm church. They are neither hot nor cold for Jesus, they have settled into “normalness”. The Bible says they can’t see their own condition, because of abundance. That my friend is America and her churches for the most part.
What do we need to do? Anoint our eyes to see what Jesus sees. Put on His righteousness, and buy the spiritual gold things that count in the Kingdom. Stop going to “church” and start being the Church (the Body of God in the earth). Are we on fire for God all the other days of the week besides just on Sundays? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Seed for Nov 3
The Word of God often compares Israel to a vineyard. It talks about planting her on a fruitful hill and watering and fertilizing and caring for her, in hopes of getting sweet grapes. But instead of sweet grapes the Lord only got bitter grapes. The Bible goes on to compare us to the branches in the true Vine (Jesus), and so it stands to reason that God expects sweet grapes of our fruit. It is the pressure applied to the grape that produces the juice, and reveals if it is sweet or bitter. Pressures of life that squeeze us, only serve to show us what is inside. God knows all along what we are made out of, so it comes as no surprise to Him, but sometimes it sure surprises us! God allows thing to come into our lives to reveal to us what we are really made of. So when the pressures of life are applied to your life, you must ask yourself, is it the bitterness of "self" or the sweetness of Jesus that flows out? Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Friday, November 2, 2007
Seed for Nov 2
Paul spoke of the "will being present" but how to perform that "will" was not, in Romans 7. Many misunderstand Paul's teaching in Romans 7. He is speaking of his life before Jesus (bc) within. He was a wretched man, doing the things he did not wish to do, and not doing the things he wanted to do. Then he ask the question, "Who will save me from this body of death?" And the answer comes...Romans 8. There is now no condemnation to those that walk in the Spirit. The secret to a victorious Christian life is Jesus within. Without Him, I am that wretched man, but with Him inside, I can do all things thru Christ! Wow! And “all things” must surely mean walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Thanks be to God for the mighty power of Jesus within making us more than conquerors! Some people try to use Romans chapter 7 as their excuse to continue in sin. But let’s really listen to the author of Chapter 7, “How can you being dead to sin, continue in sin any longer? He that is dead (in Christ) has been made free from the law of sin and death.” Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Seed for Nov 1
His mercies endure to all generations. Be mindful of the benefits of serving Him. I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. All powerful verses for us to ponder. His mercies are sure to all generations, and that there is great benefit in service to Him, and we will see the goodness of the Lord now! What a blessed hope! We don't have wait for some future date to witness God's realness, goodness and mercies! He will manifest Himself to us right now, in the land of the living. We should make a list of all benefits of serving the Lord. You would seen the list far exceeds reasons not to serve Him. Remember He is seeking out true worshippers. So the Lord is actively seeking us out to reward us with mercies and benefits, and to manifest his goodness. Sure beats what anyone else's god is doing! Be blessed.
Billy and Jan Wells
Billy and Jan Wells
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