Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Seed for Nov 6

When you hold a tiny seed in your hand, you have no idea what will be the result of the planting of that seed. Because, you see, the end result of a seed is not at all like the appearance of that seed. But what is resident in that seed is all the genetic history of that plant all the way back to the Garden of Eden. So both future and past is in every seed. We are planted with the Seed of God. All that is of God is resident in that Seed. The end result looks nothing like the Seed. But when that Seed is planted in us it will grow up into Him, Paul said. Of course in the beginning we might be like little children tossed too and fro, by every wind and wave of teaching, but we are to grow up INTO HIM. We are to Grow up not stay little children. The Seed of the Gospel of Truth is planted in the heart of every believer with the HOPE of God. What is that Hope? That He be fully formed in us, and His Will be done in us as it is heaven. You sure won't hear that taught in most pulpits, but that is what is taught in the Word of God. Let me ask, when men's teaching contradict the Word of God, who is right and who is wrong? Be blessed,

Billy and Jan Wells

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