Monday, November 26, 2007

Seed for Nov 26

The purpose of the 10 commandments, the Law of God, was never meant to make a man perfect. It was the measuring stick to show us how short we were from the perfection that God requires. Preachers that tell you, "Just keep the 10 commandments and you will be saved" are doing you a great injustice! There will be no man declared "not guilty" (justified) by the keeping of the 10 commands. Living a moral life, being a good citizen, being a church goer has nothing to do with salvation. "Religion" has blinded our eyes to the truth. Unless we live of the Tree of Life (Jesus) then we have no hope. Unless we have the Son (Jesus) in us then we have no Life! Being moral and good, is just not enough. If anyone could have been good enough to be saved without Jesus, then He paid a terrible price for nothing! You have Cain and Abel, and they both brought their sacrifice to the Lord. With Abel's the Lord was pleased but with Cain's He was not. What was the difference? One was the blood of the innocent (what God requires), and the other was "religion" man doing it his way. One was accepted and one rejected. That is what is going to happen to many on Judgment Day, some accepted and many rejected. There is only one way in, and that is thru the Son. He that Son has Life and he that has not the Son as NOT Life. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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