Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Seed for Nov 28

The fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much. This quote is from the Bible and is speaking of Elisha who prayed that it not rain for 3.5 yrs and then again after 3.5 yrs prayed for rain. I think the most important part of this verse is for us to remember that Elisha was praying the "will of God." Too many people praying trying to change God's mind about things, and find their prayers seem to hit a brick wall. Wonder why? The answer to those prayers is "NO" but they cannot seem to accept that. We pray for God to move, and when He does in a certain situation, we cry "calf rope," because God did not move in the manner we thought. God sees the end in from the beginning. He sees tomorrow as we see yesterday. When we pray for the Lord to move in certain situations, He knows how to move in the best way. Not always our way, but none the less, the very best for the situation! That is what faith is...trusting Him to do the very best, even when we can't see it. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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