Friday, November 9, 2007

Seed for Nov 9

I Jn 3:2121 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God;(NAS)

In other words, if we are convicted, we have to know that God is greater than our heart and He is the One doing the convicting. Our conscience is that still small voice speaking to us. If our heart does not convict us or condemn us, then we can have confidence before God. The only problem is most people stopped listening to that conscience voice very long ago. It speaks so quietly now that they just don't hear it at all. We need to ask God to teach us to hear Him (our conscience). Please, Lord, make us open and tender to the leading and prompting of the Lord. When we feel guilty about something, or we are "warned" about something, we need to be able to listen and be exercised by that feeling (conscience). If our heart (conscience) is convicting us, then know God is greater than our heart and is trying to speak to us about something. i.e. You mistreat someone, or you are short, or hateful, you get that feeling later on, "I should have not acted that way." God is speaking to your heart. Do hear that? God is speaking to your heart! Wouldn't it be wonderful to be as tender to the Lord as we were when we were little children. I still remember when my conscience spoke loudly as a child. And I can still hear my conscience saying..."don't, or watch out, or that was not too cool...etc...". My goal is to hear Him in that still small voice of my conscience and obey His every leading.

Be blessed,
Billy and Jan Wells

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