Saturday, November 24, 2007

Seed for Nov 24

It is not hard to see who, by faith, is plugged into the Spirit. It is not for the good that we do, for in us is no good thing. We have the will, Paul talked about in Rm 7, but the "how to" we do not have. Oh, sure we all can act "good" for a while, but when the chips are down, and the pressure on, the true nature of us will surface for all to see, especially ourselves! But when we are plugged into the Spirit by faith, then we take on His nature. It becomes Him in us, living and willing and doing. The Bible says He is the author and finisher of our faith. It is all about Him. We were given the moon as our example. The moon has no light of its own, just as we have no Godly light of our own. But the moon reflects the glory of the Sun, and we see the beauty of the sun thru the light reflected from the moon. We have no beauty of our own, that is worth mentioning, but we can reflect the beauty of God, by staying connected to Him by faith, and allowing Him to live and manifest Himself thru us. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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