Monday, November 5, 2007

Seed for Nov 5

The Bible says we are to love the Truth and to seek after the Truth like a buried treasure. What ever roads in life we have to go down to find Truth is well worth the journey. There have been many twists and turns in my life leading me to a clearer understanding of Truth. The Word says if we do not love the Truth, then we will believe a lie and be damned. So we can see that Truth is of the utmost importance in all our getting! There are many voice in the world claiming to be the Truth, have the Truth, who are nothing but lying spirits. I use to think this or that "denomination" had Truth and all others were wrong. Boy, was I deceived! After more than 30 years on the quest to find Truth, and with all the twists and turns in my life, I have discovered one sure and firm foundation. I know the Truth. It was not this or that religion, denomination, secret writing, mystical guru, but quite simply, it was there all the time right in front of my face. I searched here and there and studied this and that discipline, and this and that religion and this and that denomination. You know what I found? Do you know where I discovered Truth? Jesus. Jesus is the Way Truth and the Life. If you think you have discovered Truth and it is not Jesus, keep on looking, as you have not found it yet. Jesus is the end of the story. He is the Author and Finisher of our fatih. Be blessed.

Billy and Jan Wells

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