Monday, December 29, 2008

Seed for Dec 29

God chose Israel to be His people to manifest Himself to the World. The purpose for their religion was not so that they would have something to do and not be bored in the Wilderness. The purpose for each and everything that they did in Judaism tells of some aspect of God and man. And it was to be performed in FAITH! They practiced their religion to show God's glory and their FAITH in Him. The problem came when they practiced their religion for the sake of the religion and not in FAITH. When it became their duty. Some people think "churching" or going to church is their duty to God. That attending church is their religious duty, and serving their denomination becomes their goal and destiny of life. They have reversed the order. Serving God is first. Serving God in FAITH is the only reason for “churching”. Manifesting Him in our lives to a dark and dying world is giving God glory! Letting Him shine thru our lives and showing the world the Living God in us is the purpose of our FAITH in God. Presenting our bodies a living sacrifice is only our reasonable service, by proving what is that good and acceptable will of God. Do we "church" to serve God? No! Have we become like Israel, losing the true meaning of being God's people? Is just going to "church" our reasonable service? No! Are we forgetting that we have been saved "from" sin and we are to walk in FAITH? Are we like the man that looks in the mirror and then immediately forgets what he really looks like? Jesus wants a people to manifest Him in their lives by FAITH. Churches and denominations are full of people just going to be going, without any true Faith. Like us, Israel was saved by FAITH. They in faith looked forward to Calvary, and we by faith look back to Calvary. Everything is equal. Be blessed.

Please consider helping the Orphans and Street kids of Haiti

In Jesus,
Billy and Jan Wells

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Seed for Christmas Day

The Year of the Census

The old grey beards were sitting at the gate of Jerusalem talking back and forth about what had just happened. Pilate had just yesterday executed several men in Jerusalem. One of the old grey beards spoke up saying,

Surely that Jesus really was Messiah, for I, personally witnessed Him open the eyes of a man born blind! No man has ever opened a man’s eyes born blind!

Another of the grey beards sitting at the gate agreed by saying,

I was there when Jesus feed over 5,000 men and women and children with just a small boy’s lunch, can you imagine that? Just a few pieces of bread and over 5,000 ate!

And another agreed that he too had witnessed one of the miracles of Jesus,

I saw Him raise a dead boy back to life at a funeral.

One by one each of the elders took turns in describing what miracles they had seen or heard this man had done. They all agreed only Messiah could have done such great and mighty miracles and yet the rulers had put Him to death.

Why? For what crime has this Jesus done worthy of death?

One of the elders an old grey beard, who once was an innkeeper in his younger days, said,

Oh, I would have given anything to have seen this great one or just one of his miracles. I just can’t believe He is really dead. Now I will never get to see Him.

Someone in the group responded to the old innkeeper, saying,

You did see Jesus….don’t you remember during the year of the census?

The old innkeeper smiled while thinking back to the year of the census and what a shrewd business man he had been.

The census…Oh, I remember that census many years ago, how could I forget? Everyone had to go to land of their fathers to be counted and taxed. Don’t you remember my Inn was the finest inn in all of Bethlehem? Just think, in those days rich travelers had to pay 2 prices to stay at my inn!

He said that with a boastful gleam in his eyes.

I can still remember those great camel caravans that came in late on those cold clear nights…they were so rich they had gold and silver chains weaved in the reigns of their camels. There must have been 10 or 11 camel caravans each night and I knew that some rich merchant would be coming from very far away and being tired and would pay a premium price to stay in my inn. So of course, I kept back my best rooms, just in case, for some rich traveler that I knew would be arriving late in the night. Being such a good business man I could get two prices for my rooms in those days. The census…

He boasted.

There were so many folks wanting a room, in the City of David, I just told everyone I had no rooms left. Sorry no room left in my inn. All the rooms are taken.

He winked,

But, secretly, I had saved back my best rooms for some rich travelers or some king or prince who would arrive late and pay my price! Being wise as I am, I wasn’t about to give away my best rooms to the poor.

He smiled as he thought about what a crafty business man he was!

But I’ll assure you, if Messiah would have ever come to my inn, well, I would have given Him my very best room and for free! He would have to pay nothing! But alas, no one famous ever comes to Bethlehem.

He said sadly.

I only wish I could have seen this Jesus the one they call Messiah. If only He would have come to my town and stayed at my Inn, I would have treated like a king!

Then one of the old grey beards replied,

But He did come to Bethlehem.

And the Inn keeper asked puzzled,

When? When did Messiah ever come to Bethlehem? I would have been the first to know! I was the innkeeper.

He did come, Messiah did come to Bethlehem.

And the Inn keeper said,

No, why, no, because if He had ever come He would have surely stayed at my Inn, the best inn in Bethlehem. No! Messiah never came to Bethlehem. I am sure of that!

No, He did come, Jesus really did come. Don’t you remember? One cold night during the census…?

And the old Inn keeper lifted his eyes up, thinking back long ago….

Nope, I just don’t remember.

Yes, yes you do, just think back.

The old grey beard said.

Don’t you remember a man with a woman riding a donkey? They came in late from Galilee during the censes, and you remember the woman was heavy with child.

Oh, let me think…perhaps I do remember, a woman riding on a donkey who as near her time of delivery.

The old Inn keeper said,

I think I remember a young couple with a donkey. It was cold and late, and she was ready to give birth at any time, or so they told me. That was so long ago. But, you know, I had reserved my best room for the rich, so I told all the poor there was no rooms left in my inn, and for them to look for a room elsewhere. But I remember this poor couple begged me, so I let them sleep in the barn. And I also remember someone said that she gave birth that night…but, I really don’t know. But what has that to do with Messiah?

That’s it! That was Him!


That was Messiah!

Who was Messiah?

The baby born that night in your stable was Jesus. Messiah came to Bethlehem and to your inn but you turned Him away. You had no place for Him. He was too poor.

Just then a deep sadness gripped the Inn keeper’s heart, as he thought back to that night. Tears began to fill his eyes….could it be? That the King of Kings had come to visit the old grey beard Inn keeper once and he had simply turned Him away.

The inn keeper slowly lifted up his eyes to heaven and quietly sighed possibly the saddest words ever spoken by a man,

If I had only known.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Seed for Dec 18

Day by day we learn to be more dependent upon the Lord. That is opposite to life, which teaches us to be more and more independent. The Lord Jesus wants to be our life and life’s source. He wants to be the Tree of Life to us, which we eat of and live of. He wants us to lean upon Him and not our own understanding. He wants us to acknowledge Him in all things and He will direct our steps. Jesus said it is not within a man to direct his own steps. We are also encouraged to not worry about anything, but to cast all our cares upon Him. He is the way maker. He opens the door and no man can shut it and when He closes the door no man can open it. Our lives should be wrapped around looking for opened door. I want to go where He leads and I always ask Him to open the doors that need to be opened and shut the ones that need to be shut. Be blessed.

Please consider helping the Orphans and Street kids of Haiti

In Jesus,
Billy and Jan Wells

Monday, December 15, 2008

Seed for Dec 15

The Lord is Spirit and seeks true worshippers. How can we truly worship the Lord? By desiring truth in our inward parts. By loving truth more than anything. By asking the Lord for truth, and nothing but the truth. And you will be amazed that when you discover truth, it will be Him. Some think they have discovered truth in this or that teaching, or in this or that faith, or this or that denomination. Let me say, that if you have discovered truth anywhere but in Jesus the Messiah you have not discovered truth. For He said I am the Way the Truth and the Life. He did not claim to just be a good man, or just a prophet, but His claim was that He is the Way and the only Way. That is Truth! God is seeking true worshippers that worship in Spirit and Truth. Discover the Truth and discover Jesus. Where is your trust today? If you hear Him and build your life upon Him your house will stand. If you fail to build your life upon the Truth of Jesus, your house will fall and great will be the fall. Be blessed.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Seed for Dec 8

After the traditions of men, some people try to worship God. But the Lord has said in His Word, that He seeks true worshipers. A true worshiper is one that will worship God in Spirit and Truth. He is not looking for us to suffer, (for some worship the sufferings of Christ), nor is He looking for us to be religious in our traditions, but to be free. We are to lift holy hands, and our voices in praise. We are to make melody and praise in our hearts, and the fruit of our lips to be praise to His name continually. We are to enjoy the peace, joy and love of the Holy Ghost. We are not to recite vain prayers with no life, nor substance, but we are to pray to Him from our hearts making our prayers and request known. We are to confess our sins to Him and trust Him for forgive and cleanse us completely. We cannot pay for our own sins, by our own suffering or penitence. It is the blood of Jesus that pays completely for our guilt. Religion is a hard taskmaster, having a form of godliness but never able to come to or acknowledge the Truth. But where the Truth is, there is Liberty! Be blessed.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Seed for Dec 5

As many as led by the Spirit, they are the sons of God. Spiritual leadership is essential to the proof of our sonship. Many claim this experience, or this mode or method of salvation, or just a happy confession, but the Word of God is quite plain on our proof of sonship. It is by what are we being led? If we are led by the flesh or will of man, and not by the Spirit, then we are not sons. How can we be led by the Spirit? It is by following that still small voice within, often called conscience. Paul said he was always void of the offense of his conscience. We have to be tender to the Lord. We have to be easily led and not driven (like wild goats). We have to be willing to hear His voice and follow. He will never drag us across the finish line. But will gently and tenderly lead us by the conscience within. The Bible puts it this way: if you heart condemns you (if you have a bad conscience) then know that God is greater than your heart (it is He that is causing that bad feeling). And then it goes on to say: if you heart does not condemn you, then have confidence toward God. There you have it. As many as are led by the Spirit they are the sons of God and they have good a conscience. That is what walking in the Spirit is all about, a clear conscience. Be blessed

Billy and Jan Wells

Why not help orphans and plant your seeds into the real Kingdom?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Seed for Dec 4

Let your conversation always be seasoned with salt that it might minister grace to the hearers. That is God's admonition about the words that come from our mouth. The Bible says no spring of water can yield both salt and fresh water. How can we bless God and curse man, who is made in God's image? Let no corrupt communication come from your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying. We are to build up and not tear down. Our words have power to influence one way or the other. It is the words of the tale barer that keep strife going, the Bible says. We are to speak grace, and life, and love. Our lips should minister life and grace and not death and judgment. We are to put guards at the door post of our lips, according to Psalms. And our hearts are revealed by the words that we speak. As ministers of the gospel of grace, our lips should minister life. Our words should speak faith, that is calling things that are not as though they are. The Bible says by our words we shall be justified and by our words we shall be condemned. What a powerful tool we possess and we should guard what we say, and the words we release into the world with all diligence.

Billy and Jan Wells

Why not help orphans and plant your seeds into the real Kingdom?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Seed for Dec 3

Q: Where should we give our money?

A: There were only 3 types of giving in the Bible.

1. The Law of the Tithe (which ended with the grace of God)
2. Free will offerings.
3. Alms = money to the poor.

The New Testament Church is commanded to remember the poor. The Orphans and Widows are always on God's heart. And we are commissioned to help those that sow to us spiritually. Since there is no more tithe in the New Testament, we should try to help the poor, orphaned and widows. My suggestion is to find an orphanage where you can send your money that really does get the money to the need and not "swallowed" up in some "money-machine" trying to make more money. Find an orphanage that needs your help. Sow into a soup kitchen or something that really helps the poor. Forget about TBN where the leaders live in golden palaces while robbing the welfare checks of poor people who believe their lies. If the leadership of any "supposedly" Christian organization lives in golden palaces, robbed from the backs of their followers, know it is not of God. He came and had no where to lay His head, though he owned the whole world. Selah. Everything that glitters is not gold.

Billy and Jan Wells

Why not help orphans and plant your seeds into the real Kingdom?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Seed for Dec 1

Is a Christian immune from problems? No not at all. We get just as many problems as nonbelievers and sometimes more. The question is never do we have problems, but do we have a solution? And the answer is yes! Our solution to every problem is Jesus. He is our ox (burden bearer), He is the eagle (flying far above the storms of life), He is our Lamb (offering for sin) and He is our Son of Man (The King of kings). He is the four faced beast. So when trials come, and they will, cling to Him. Let them make your stronger, and teach you His ways. Thank Him for everything you go thru and be exercised in passing thru them. Know that the water and the fire will not over come you, because He is our Rock and shelter in the storm. Be blessed.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Seed for Nov 26

In short, Paul said it like this:

2 Tim 3:12 "Everyone who will live a life devoted to Messiah Yahushua SHALL suffer persecution."

Messiah said it like this:

John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

I will sometimes channel surf through "Christian" TV stations; and almost every single time I do, I hear someone preaching the prosperity message. The crowd is "praising" and "rejoicing" at the message...and the offering plate surely has more money in it than if they had preached on suffering and enduring hardship. It is appalling to see those who would be leaders in the Body, appealing to the fleshly desire for comfort and riches; rather than preparing disciples for genuine life in Messiah.

I am reminded of the declarations of the Old Testament prophets who said judgment was coming because of the failure of the rules, the prophets and the priests...and lastly, the people. Those with responsibility are charged with greater accountability.

Grace and peace,


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Seed for Nov 25

Sometimes in Christian living our hopes are delayed. The Bible calls that the trying of our faith. Joseph spent 2 years in a prison waiting for the Lord to release him, and not for anything that Joseph did wrong. Job was tested for over a year, and there was no guilt found in Job. David was chased by Saul for 16 years after he was anointed King of Israel. Abraham waited that baby's cry in Sarah's tent for 25 years, before he saw the faithfulness of the Lord. There is a prosperity doctrine (false doctrine) in the world today that says follow the Lord and everything will go smooth. Actually follow the Lord and watch all hell break loose! The enemy doesn't have to fight you when he's got you! Just try to leave Egypt (the land of sin) and watch the devil attack! Remember Christians are not immune to problem, trials and test. We have the answer to every problem, and the solution to every question. Wait on the Lord and believe to see the goodness of God in the land of the living. Be blessed.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Seed for Nov 24

Brother Billy,
In reviewing your last SEED email, I have to say that I agree more with what you had to say about 'The Days of Resting' as each and everyday for a Born Again True follower of Jesus.

There are conditions of life for each of us that MUST reflect the Day of Sabbath, or day of rest from our Labors, that is NOT just a once a week obedience of The Law.

And is without question something that the Pharisees of the Jewish ruling class kept on occasion, as they felt they were above the law and even so convinced of their own superiority above the lower classes, that it gave them numerous opportunities to do what ever they saw fit to do!

Was it shame that brought them down? And was it anger and fear of The Messiah? Which eventually resulted in the wrongful trial of an innocent Man called Jesus, who paid in full for theirs and our sins by going to the Cross and all that the Romans had in store for common criminals, Death by torture and asphyxiation, and finally a spear in Jesus side. However the breaking of the bones like the tibia and fibula, did not happen to Jesus! I believe this was to show that Jesus was someone in a higher realm, and the fulfillment of Prophecy.

I am probably way off base here but at least you got me to think more about the so-called Sabbath Day, and how it relates to the Christian man/woman since it was written to us ALL!
In Jesus Precious Name,

Friday, November 21, 2008

Seed for Nov 21

Paul explains in Romans 7, that a woman is bound by the law of marriage to her husband until the husband dies. Then she is free to marry another. Well, rather than the husband (the law) dying, the woman died in this illustration. We who are in Messiah, died in Messiah...freeing us from marriage to the law so we might be married to another...the resurrected Messiah.

Rom 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto Elohim..

Note that THIS marriage brings forth FRUIT unto Elohim. Nowhere does the Scripture say that keeping the Law brings forth fruit. The keeping of the Law is something the flesh does. This can be illustrated by understanding that it is YOU that keep the speed limit without need of the power of the Spirit in your life. Even the lost are able to keep the speeding limit. Does that please Elohim? No. Paul states plainly in Romans 8 that it is impossible for anything that emanates from the flesh to please Elohim.

Thus, we are separated from a fleshly existence of keeping laws to walk in the power of the Spirit, after we are united with Messiah. We need not concern ourselves with the Ten Commandments when we are walking in the Spirit; because Paul tells us in Galatians 5 that the life that is produced by the Spirit is one against which there is NO LAW. He also says it produces FRUIT unto Elohim...which brings us right back to Romans 7:4.

Billy rightly declares that our freedom comes as a consequence of our having died in Messiah. That is the fundamental necessity to deliver man from the works of the Law; but it is not a mindset that comes to us easily. That is probably why Paul spends the first seven verses of Romans 6 trying to explain this reality to us.

Now, there is a movement that seeks to bring believers back to keeping the law; but not to obtain righteousness (for by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified - Gal 2:16), but to please Elohim. This, of course, completely misunderstands the two-fold purpose of the Law: (1) Convince us that we are sinners and are impotent to keep the law perfectly; and (2) to bring us to Messiah. Once we have come to Messiah, the Law has fulfilled its purpose, like a pedagogue that has trained a child to walk and act and live maturely. The objective of a pedagogue is to make himself redundant. Once the child becomes mature, keeping the pedagogue around is just absurd and foolish.

A great question...thanks for the opportunity to blog on it.

Grace and peace,


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Seed for Nov19

Israel acted out in real life the plan of God. One day a week they were to cease from their own labor and rest. They were to do no work. They were to relax and think about the goodness of God. They acted this drama out every week and were reminded to keep this covenant forever! The Bible says that what they did was only a shadow of the real thing. What was this day of rest speaking of? Are we to keep a day of rest? Is Sunday really a day of rest? Or is Saturday the real Sabbath? Are we Christians to keep the Sabbath? No! That was an example of the plan of God in a Christian's life. The real Sabbath, that Israel got no part of, was the "rest" experience of the Grace of God. When we, in reality, cease from our own labors (religious efforts) and enter into the real Rest of God, the true Sabbath, the Holy Ghost experience. I marvel at how many are so bewitched into believing they have to keep a day holy, when our experience in Him keeps everyday holy. Did we do away with the Sabbath day? No! Now everyday is our rest in Christ. We entered into the real "rest" of God, where we stop working to be good, and let God's grace declare us the "righteousness of God in Christ Jesus." Be blessed in the real Sabbath, the Holy Ghost of God. Are you keeping one day holy, or are you living the holy day everyday? It is Christ in Us, our only hope of holiness.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Seed for Nov 17

The Lord does not love us conditionally, but unconditionally. He loved us so much He gave us Redemption. The Bible says, While, we were yet sinners, He died for us. Another verse, Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God! Once we get a vision of the love He loves us with, it should create in us a passionate love toward God. Man's love is turned inward. "I love you if you love me". Man's love at best is "selfish". But God's love is giving, outward flowing, and free. He loved us first, then we came to know Him and His love and began to love Him back. The problem was that our natural love was inadequate to love Him with, so He fills us with His Spirit of Love to love Him with. That is a powerful thought. Since my love was not enough, He filled me up with His love to love with. Beloved love one another. Be blessed

Friday, November 14, 2008

Seed for Nov 14

This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. From this verse we are able to see something very important. Who will make me glad? I will! I am not going to wait around for someone else to make me happy, or take away my happiness. I make the choice that I will rejoice and be glad in this day, if for no other reason than, the Lord made this day! Too many people sitting around being unhappy, and waiting for someone else to change their mood or attitude. "Well, if this or that happens...I will be happy" or "If this person or that person would only do this or that, then I would rejoice and be glad." When your joy and happiness in life is dependent upon others, you are going to have a real miserable life! The Joy of the Lord is our (Samson hair) our strength. Let the devil, the world, or Delilah cut off your joy and here you go, blindness, chains and slave labor awaits you. Rejoice in the Lord and be exceedingly glad, if for no other reason than this is the day He made! Be blessed.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Seed for Nov 12

There is nothing to compare with true joy in Elohim. The Scripture declares that "in His presence is fulness of joy." That one statement shows us where the fountain of joy originates; and also explains why most believers have happiness (which depends upon outward circumstances) rather than joy (which comes from inward peace). Most believers never spend any time in the presence of Elohim. They rely, instead, on an academic understanding of having been "saved," and allow that belief system to provide what passes for joy. It isn't joy, however, which is why it fluctuates in their experience. True joy does not fluctuate, for its source is unchanging.

Grace and peace, and thanks for today's seed.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Seed for Nov 10

Our experience in Christ is a living relationship. We are to grow in grace and knowledge. We are to grow up into Him in all things. We are to no longer be children, but to come to full stature in Christ. All these admonitions from the Word tell us that our relationship is like that of a child to adult relationship. We start out as infants, and are to progress to Heirship. As long as we are infants in the Lord, we are like servants. But the goal is to become Him in the earth. The actual manifestation of His Body, the manifestation of His presence to a dark and dying world is our the goal. Listen to Paul, "Let this same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who thought it not robbery to be equal with God..." That is a profound thought. Let that mind be in you that was in Christ. Who made no show of His flesh, but plainly and simply manifested God to the people. He was the living Word. What a great responsibility we have, to manifest the invisible God and His Word to the people. Be blessed.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Seed for Nov 7

The Bible speaks of a people that will "ever learn" but never be able to find the Truth. You go to this Church or that Church, this denomination or that denomination and hear them say "We have the Truth," as if their religion has copyright on Truth. "Our doctrine is the Truth, we have discovered the Truth and to have Truth you must worship here" and on and on go the sayings. For this reason we have over 400 denominations in America all claiming to have the Truth and many claiming to be the only ones with the "Truth."

Let me say loud and clear right here, "Jesus is the Truth," not our pet doctrines, or biblical understanding of some passage, or denominational linage, but Jesus! Only Jesus is the Truth. If you have found anything else but Jesus, then you have not found the Truth. Don't let anyone bewitch you into believing any denomination has a "corner" on Truth. Don't let anyone bewitch you into believing their brand of religion is the only Truth around, and unless you are like them you don't have Truth. Jesus is the Truth the Way and the Life. He that has the Son has Life and he that has not the Son has not life. That verse said nothing about a brand of religion, or pet doctrine, or some other discovery, but he that has the Son!

I think we will all be surprised how many of us, who thought we had it right, really had it wrong! If it were not for the Real Truth, Jesus, and His grace and mercy, there is not a single person that would stand a chance. If you are not firmly planted upon the solid Rock of His word, then you don't have truth. He said I am the Truth. There is no other. Be blessed

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Seed for Nov 6

What is our boast? In what do we put our confidence? It is easy to trust in our own ability, riches, brains, etc., but a Christian's boast should be in the Lord. We all know we are only one breathe from eternity, and there is not a one that can ransom his or her own life. But trusting in Him the source of all Life and Health and Healing is the walk of a Christian. We are to pray and then believe He is leading. More blessed are those that believe and have not seen! That is us! We are guided by the Unseen Hand. Our boast is in Him and not in what we can do. He is leading guiding us, and it is not within a man to direct his own steps. Everyday we live of the Tree of Life, our source. Everyday we walk in the Light of Him, for He is that shinning path growing brighter and brighter day by day. Trust in the Lord, lean all your weight upon Him. Cast your cares and burdens upon Him (the Ox) and enjoy the rest, peace and joy that comes from knowing, "My God can and will!".

Friday, October 31, 2008

Seed for Oct 31

Another mainline religion in the United States (one of the strictest) has decided to accept same sex marriage. And another in the line of dominoes falls to the ground. And in the last days men shall be lovers of self more than lovers of God, and shall be turned from the truth to fables, calling "good" evil and "evil" good. We see all the signs day by day coming to pass. Where is the sign of His coming? Everywhere! Because He delays, men's hearts turn hard and turn from God's truths! They begin to teach the doctrines of men, instead of the Truth of the Word of God. But be of good cheer, His coming is nearer than when we first believed. And Jesus is coming back for those that are watching for His return. Let the signs cause you to lift your eyes. Let the signs cause you to know His coming is nearer than when we first believed. Let the signs reinforce your faith. God said it would happen, so that we would not be surprised when it did. Be blessed

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Seed for Oct 30

This reminds me of a lesson I learned several years ago. I am convinced that most believers have been persuaded (by the enemy) that the world just doesn't want to hear their witness of Messiah. They think the world regards us as silly, stupid, using religion as a cruch, etc. The truth of the matter is...they WANT to see the truth alive in our lives. They WANT to hear that there is redemption. They WANT to know that Elohim really does exist and that there is a way out of the darkness of their miserable lives (which they would like you to think isn't all that miserable; but it is merely a defense mechanism protecting them against false hope).

What they are missing from the lives of believers is a confidence in the good news; and a quality of discipleship that disposseses the believer from his own self-motivated lifestyle. The world understands that to receive REAL life and redemption from their own sin will cost them everything. They just don't see the professors of that redemption paying that price in their own they see us as fools; and our message as false hope.

A disciple of Messiah would be amazed at the response he/she gets if they live obedient lives to Messiah; and shares their testimony with confidence to the lost.

Grace and peace,


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Seed for Oct 29

A city set on a hill cannot be hid. The light of that city will shine for miles and miles. We are that City, that Holy City, Zion. We are the lights of the world. We give direction to the lost to the City of Refuge where men can flee and be safe from the avenger of blood. What a great responsibility for us to be that shinning light. How important is every action, thought and word to a lost and dying world. The world is looking at our light wondering if it is for real? Do they really have something worth going after? If we are like the world, where is our "saltiness"? Where is our flavor? How will the world really know He lives in us? The lost will know that He is real thru that light and salt in us. Our conversation says "He lives!" Our actions say "He lives!" Our lifestyle says "He is real in us!" Be blessed

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Seed for Oct 28

Give us our daily bread, has a 2 fold meaning. Natural food and the bread that came down from heaven. We need heavenly manna as much as we need to eat naturally. Man shall not live by bread (natural) alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Many of us neglect to eat the heavenly daily bread, which Israel was to gather early in the morning. I have found a website that will deliver daily bible reading to your email inbox. If you read that portion that they send each day, you will easily read the whole Bible in one year. What a good thing that early in the morning you can sit with your coffee and enjoy God's manna. Simply click on this link and it will take you there. Put in your email address and every day fresh as the dew you will receive a daily portion of the Word of God. You can easily pick the version of reading you want. Be blessed.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Seed for Oct 27

There are only 2 types of Christians, Spirit led and carnal. The carnal Christian is represented by the "wilderness" experience of Israel after leaving their Egypt (sin). All that Israel was able to do, was wander around feeding their carnal appetites until they were all buried in the wilderness and they never reached the Promised Land!

The Lord had better plans for them, as well as for us. Jesus never intends for us to just wander around from circumstance to circumstance wondering why did this happen to me, or "poor me"! The Lord wants us to walk in victory. He wants us to get past the infantile age of whining and crying, and go forward and in victory and take our inheritance in the Spirit. We are to be more than conquerors, with more than abundant life. We are to walk in peace and victory, and to defeat every giant in our way. We are to possess the land for the Kingdom of God and eat from a land flowing with milk and honey.

Israel gets to "bitter" water and complains. Israel eats angel's food and complains. Israel sees a problem and complains. That is a carnal Christian.

Joshua and Caleb had "another" spirit and said "We are able and well able to take the land!" That is a Spiritual Christian. Examine yourself, Paul said. Be blessed.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Seed for Oct 24

Some times we need our eyes opened so we can see more than the obvious. Elisha and his servant were surrounded by an army sent to capture and kill Elisha. Elisha's servant was able to see the great army camped around them and was greatly troubled. He asked his master what were they to do, in such a terrible fix. You see the natural mind tends to fixate on the problem. Elisha prayed and the eyes of the servant were opened and he was able to see the Lord's host encamped about them as their protection. We, who are spiritual, need to have a vision checked from time to time. Is our gazed fixed on the natural things of life, that seem to come to defeat and destroy us? Or, are our eyes lifted up looking upon the One who never slumbers nor sleeps, and that watches over us for safety. Lord, open my eyes and let me see, that those that are for me are greater than those against me.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Seed for Oct 23

"Give and it shall be given to you." Preachers use this verse to talk about you giving money, but in reality it was speaking of "mercy" not money. There is a spiritual law at work here, and that law is about giving and receiving in the spirit. In order to receive you must first give. But we see this reality in nature too. In order to reap a harvest, as a farmer, you must first plant the seeds to produce that harvest. It cost you something to reap a harvest in the spirit. (that is profound)! So today think about what you need. Do you need encouragement? Do you need uplifting? Do you need someone to brag on you? Do you need mercy, peace, joy, or help? Just what ever you decide you need today, go and give it away to someone else. (plant the seeds for your harvest). Find someone and give to them exactly what you want and need, and you will see, what ever you give away will be given back to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men give to you. It is important to note that harvest doesn't come the day you plant. So store some harvest up for the future by planting those seeds today. By planting seeds for future harvest everyday, you will begin to have a reaping of past plantings everyday. Be blessed.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Seed for Oct 22

We are the keepers of the "oracles of God." We are the ones entrusted with the Word of God. It is our testimony to our children that is going to count. It is our generation that must pass the Truth to our children, the next generation. It will be our witness to our children that will make God real in their lives. Unless He is real to me, how could I possibly transfer that Truth to my children. They have to see me live the truth of the Living God everyday of my life. We cannot just put God in box, and take Him out once a week on Sunday, and believe that God will be real to our children. We are to speak to them in the morning and evenings, as we walk by the way, and when we sit at home. We are to take the living God out of the invisible realm and make Him alive and living for our children. We have to pass the truths of God to the next generation.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Seed for Oct 21

You have really hit the nail on the head with this one, Billy. Even the upper percentile of the churches, who are really "dedicated" and/or "committed" to their faith...are not genuinely hungry for all of Him. The desire for Him falls short of their desire for worldly comfort and security. In my nearly 40 years of being a stranger and pilgrim on the earth, I have met only a handful of "believers" who genuinely longed after Elohim, as though if they did not have more of Him they would be as one dying of thirst or hunger. That kind of desire is replaced by the contemporary gospel that says one can merely "believe" and receive the free gift of salvation (and they don't even know what salvation means). That makes the gift more important than the giver. It exalts the selfishness of the flesh; rather than the selflessness of the spirit...and firmly plants the believer on the broad path that leads to destruction. A disciple who years for Elohim. Now THAT is a beautiful thing; and to see one will stir up similar yearnings inside one who truly does love Him more than His gifts. Grace and peace, Dana

Monday, October 20, 2008

Seed for Oct 20

Is He the true Treasure? Do we seek after Him hard, like the greatest treasure of our lives? Or do we seek the treasures of the world? The Bible speaks of a treasure which a man uncovers while working in another man's field. He covers the treasure up again and goes and sells all that he has that he might return and buy the field with the great treasure. Is that what He is to us? Will we go and sell all that we have and invest in Him? We are not talking about something we can actually buy, but in the spirit, it is an attitude that it is Him that I will seek with all that I have.

Many are so busy with the cares of this life, and seeking the treasures of this world, that they have no time to seek Him. Or they have the "God" thing down to something you do one day a week or so...just some religious thing we do. We often just go through the motions of seeking Him. But He is not a "treasure" to us. The Bible says that where a man's treasure is, there will his heart be. Jesus is that Pearl of Great Price. He is the treasure buried that we might go and sell all that we have, to buy Him. We are to seek Him with all our heart, and go after Him with all our being. What do I spend all my time seeking after?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Seed for Oct 17

To continue the analogy, the children of Israel (wilderness Christians) did not possess their inheritance until they changed their mentality about their enemies who currrently held their land. They had to embrace the necessity of driving our and/or destroying 31 different nations before they had rest upon the promised land. There was an aggressive commitment to overthrowing the enemies of their rest and their blessing. Perhaps this could be likened to renewing the mind; but certainly it should be compared with the idea of taking up our cross daily to follow acknowledge that unless we bury ourselves into Him, we will draw upon selfish motives for our living; and life in the flesh CANNOT please the Father, and DOES not inherit the blessing. Interesting thoughts. Thanks for provoking them. Grace and peace, Dana

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Seed for Oct 16

What is a "wilderness" Christian? A "wilderness" Christian is someone who like Israel was delivered from Egypt (sin), but instead of going on to the Promise Land, they get stuck in the wilderness. Let me describe the wilderness. It is an endless circle of wandering without direction and purpose, constantly having trials and struggles, and never reaching the land of milk and honey. You see there is a destiny for the people of God, to reach the land of promise (and we are not talking about heaven). Unfortunately, many Christians never realize God's great plan and destiny for them, they just seem to wander around, up and down in their Christian experiences, and never able to maintain the victory God has given them. They are constantly being defeated in each spiritual battle. For a wilderness Christian it is an endless cycle of going to church, but never growing up into Him.

We are to experience the joy of our salvation on a daily basis. We are to go from victory to victory, and from faith to faith. We are to enjoy all our inheritances now from the Lord. We are to possess the Spiritual land we live in as conquerors and more than conquerors. This is so far above the "wilderness" experience that there is no comparison. Living this promised life has to do with Him increasing in us. It includes us growing in grace and knowledge and to come to the understanding of Him in us, and the hope of His calling.

If our only experience in God is only "church going" on Sunday, or whenever, then we will wander around as "wilderness" Christians all our lives. But if He is our desire and the object of our devotion, the Lover of our life, then we can inherit all He has for us now!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Seed for Oct 15

He must increase and I must decrease. These words were spoken by John the Baptist, talking of his ministry and the ministry of Jesus. Yet these words hold a deeper meaning and truth about the Jesus that lives within us. When we first come to God, by faith a Seed is planted in us, with the expressed hope of growing and producing the fruit of the Spirit. Problem is that many do not decrease themselves and allow the Lord to increase and grow in them. If there is no desire to worship and no hunger for His Word it is a definite sign that He is not increasing in you. The Christian life was never about "going to church" but about allowing the living God to live out His being in and thru you. He must increase. That planted Seed must grow and mature and fruit, while at the same time, I must decrease my hold on self and self will and independent actions. Most people think just being a Christian in (name only) and going to church ever so often, and just doing the best they can is sufficient. That is the lie of "religion." It is about me dying to self and Him living in me. Paul said, "Reckon yourself dead unto sin and alive to Christ." "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable service." What is "reasonable"? Total surrender of yourself upon the altar of sacrifice. Examine yourself Paul said. Every one of us has the ability to see...Is He increasing in me? Am I a Christian in name only, or in deed? Be blessed.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Seed for Oct 14

The Bible says that all our past repented sins are under the blood of Jesus. They have been blotted out, and this is exactly how several verse put together the relation of our past sins to God: 1. He will cast our sins behind His back. 2. Our sins are cast into the sea of forgetfulness. 3. To never be remembered against us again. 4. Though our sins should be red, they shall be white as snow and white as wool. 5. He will separate us as far as East is from West from our past sins. Putting these verses together, we may remember our past sins, and Satan may remind us, but the Lord has no remembrance. He has forgotten. His mercies are new everyday, like the dew. What a wonderful God we serve.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Seed for Oct 13

Ps 27:11 The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid?(NIV)

If the Lord be on our side who can stand against us? What a privilege to know He that neither slumbers nor sleeps, but keeps watch always over those that love Him and call upon His name Jesus! We have nothing to fear or dread, for fear has torment. He did not give a spirit of fear, but of love power and a sound mind. We are reminded to be mindful of the benefits of serving the Lord, who forgives all our sins, and heals all our diseases. What a great God we serve and what a wonderful blessing to know His name, Jesus!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Seed for Oct 10

The Lord will not give His glory to another. When we talk of luck, or count our luck stars, lucky horseshoe, we are actually stealing from the glory of the Lord. Christians are not governed by "luck." The Word says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. That before we were formed in the womb, He knew us. So what does luck or chance have to do with us? Nothing!

We need to know that it is the Lord that rules and reigns over us and not luck. We are to look for the doors that the Lord opens, and not try to open the doors in life that the Lord has closed to us. So our constant prayer (conversation to God) should be Lord you are in control of every detail of my life and I give you glory, not my lucky saints!

"Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways and He will direct your steps" pretty much takes luck and chance out of the equation. Trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understanding, and always ask His leading in every situation. Be not anxious about anything, but enjoy the comfort and peace of God in every situation. I have a new attitude: "I sit back and see where the Lord is taking me, and what I am about to enjoy." For you see my hope and trust is in Him, and I will not give His glory to another.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Seed for Oct 9

Life and death are in the power of the tongue. All a judge or king has to do is to speak a death sentence and that sentence will be carried out. All an appeals judge has to do is to commute that sentence and the life is spared. This is great power in the tongue. With this same tongue we can bless God and curse man, made in His image. With this small member we can boast great things, and set our lives on course of hell. The tongue is a little member, but reveals what is in the heart of man. With this same tongue confession can be made to salvation. You see life and death are in tongue. The tongue is the "unruly" member which no man can tame. That is why the Captain of our souls takes control of the tongue as proof of His King-ship of our hearts. You can see who rules a man's heart by who rules his tongue. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Just listen to how men talk, and know who rules their tongue!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Seed for Oct 8

In the beginning God created man to seek after Him, but after the transgression in the Garden of Eden, God has been seeking men ever since, while men seek after sin. Could you imagine God's own creation, made in His own image, and designed with a basic nature to seek God? Ever since that day, God has had to seek men. "Adam, where are you?" And Adam's reply was that he was hiding, because he was naked.

What is our hearts desire? Is it Him? Do we long for a real and rich living relation with the King and our God? Do we seek Him early, late and long? Is it His name we love to speak, and His face we desire to see? Is He the lover of our soul? The hope of our future? The desire of all our longings? Are we really seeking Him? He said, "I will be found when you seek me with all your heart!" After all that was the whole reason I was seek God!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Seed for Oct 7

Do we love Him enough to deny self? "There is a war within, said the old Indian. "There is a black dog and a white dog inside me fighting." When asked, " Which one wins?" The old Indian said, "The one that I feed the most." Are we willing to deny self and allow Him to live as King in our hearts? It is not a matter of me, but of Him. It is not by will power, but by faith, that He lives in me while I was crucified with Him. I now present my body a living sacrifice to Him to do with what ever pleases Him. Jesus offered Himself, and was obedient even to the Cross. We might ask ourselves in the middle of a trial, "What good can this do?" How many wondered what good the Cross did to Jesus in the prime of His life and ministry. You see, only the Father sees the whole picture. Do we love Him enough to offer ourselves to Him? Here I am Lord, live and rule and reign in me. Your will be done in me as it is in Heaven. I trust your way to be the best way. It is hard to see the victory in the middle of the fiery trial, but faith sees it. Faith is trusting Him even when it seems defeat is evident!
Remember Israel at the Red Sea. Defeat was eminent and yet they still won. Incredible!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Seed for Oct 6

*"Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind". This world is constantly trying to conform us (make us more worldly). It is pulling much like gravity toward the will of man and nature. But there is inside us (having been born again) a new nature. It is the very nature of God all rolled up in a tiny Seed. That Seed was planted in our heart (mind) with the very hope of growing and producing the Fruit of God. That is the difference shown here in that verse, "being conformed compared to being transformed". Each is being changed into something, one more like the world, and one more in the image of God.

The Lord said in His word, behold I set before you life and death, choose life, for why will you die O House of Israel? The way of the world leads to death, but the power of God in us yields the fruit of life. Who would not choose life, when put in those terms? Let your mind be transformed into the mind of Christ by the power of God. Paul said, "Let this same mind be in you that was in Christ, who thought it not robbery to be equal to God, but made no reputation of himself, but humbled himself to be obedient even to the cross." We are being change from glory to glory, we are decreasing and He is increasing in us. We are being transformed into sons of God! Powerful!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Seed for Oct 3

Have you ever heard, "just keep the 10 commandments and you will be OK"? Or have you thought you would enter in if your good out weighed your bad on that Judgment Day? Nothing could be farther from the truth. Anyone that is telling you to just do you best and that is enough is doing you a great disservice: 1. The 10 commandments came to show us sold under sin and without hope! 2. Our good will never be good enough. 3. Being lost or saved has nothing to do with good or bad, but with source. What the Lord wanted us to see by the giving of the 10 Commandments, was our utter hopelessness. The Bible says if you have broken one of the 10, then you are guilty of them all. Even if you have never murdered, if you coveted then you have broken all the 10 commands. The Law came to show us sin, to show us TO BE sinners, and to show us without hope apart from Him. God is the Law giver and Jesus is the Law Keeper in us. If you have never been born again, then you will never please God. It takes a new birth, a new life in us, and our faith in what He can do, and not in what we can do. Trusting Him is forsaking all other hope. He said, "Apart from me you can do nothing. I am the Vine and you are the branches." Unless we are tapped into the Life in the Vine, we have no eternal life and no eternal hope.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Seed for Oct 2

"be mindful of the benefits of serving the Lord..." Ps 103. We watched a movie called "Osama" about female life in Afghanistan and the worship of the Muslims. That movie brought to mind the great blessing to know the true and living God, our Jesus. What bondage and mistreatment they suffer at the hands of the "religious zealots" in the name of their god, Allah (the moon god). When we think we have it tough, we ought to review that movie and then rejoice over our "little" problems in life. We have a great big God who is well able to finish what He has started in us, if we hold fast to our faith to the end. Be blessed.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Seed for Sept 29

The Prodigal son was a story told by the Lord that was full of hidden meanings as well as the meaning found on the surface. If you remember the father had 2 sons and an inheritance. The younger wanted his inheritance now (unwilling to wait for blessing). So the father gave the younger his part and he left for "party town." After spending it all, he found himself feeding pigs (the lowest unclean animal viewed by the Jews), and thought to feed himself with the pig's food. Then youngest son remembered even the servants faired better than his own situation so he decided to go home and be a slave. His father saw him coming a long way off (the Lord is always watching for His to come home), and ran to meet him. The young son repented and they kissed and embraced. The father ordered a fatted calf killed for the son and a celebration made. He also ordered a robe (righteousness), a ring (authority) and sandals (peace) for his son and returned him to the station of son and not slave. The older brother became jealous, because it was too easy for the younger to return with no punishment (grace). This story relates to us God's attitude toward us if we will just repent and return to Him. The best news is, it is freely given and God is watching for our return.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Seed for Sept 26

I guess everyone at one time or another has wished Adam and Eve had not messed up. Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in Paradise forever? Well Adam and Eve had 2 trees, or 2 choices in the garden, Life and Death. We face the exact same 2 choices in our lives, that being Life and Death. Jesus alone has immortality and he that has the Son has life and he that has not the Son has not life. I John 5:12. There is no in between, you either have Life or you have death. That is why the Word of God says to examine yourself to see if you be in the faith. He that has Life will live forever in Paradise. He that has no Life in Him (Jesus) will die. Why will you die? Why not come to Jesus and live? He is the Tree of Life, by living of Him you live forever.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Seed for Sept 25

We wear the Righteousness of God. It is our robe that the Father gave us to wear. It is not something that we earned. Nor is it something that we deserve. As we are like the prodigal who came home and immediately his father prepared a feast, robed him, but sandals on him and a ring on his finger. What did the prodigal deserve? In his own mind, the lowest position of slave, but to his father complete restoration! What a testimony that when our God forgives He restores us! Wow! Now that is grace. Why don't we preach about that!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Seed for Sept 24

Jesus told us to remember Lot's wife, who looking back toward Sodom (her home) she was turned into a pillar of salt. "Looking back" could mean a lot of things, but to me it meant that her heart was there still in that land of Sodom. Her body has left Sodom but her heart longed to return. We have to be careful to not look back at our past life, and long to be back there. Remember Lot's wife. What we left behind in our "BC" days is exactly that, buried and past and forgotten. The Enemy wants us to remember, and feel as though we have not been forgiven, but he is a liar and the father of lies. Having put our hands to the plow (the work of God) let us not look back, but as Paul said, "Forgetting those things behind, I press forward...." We are a new creation and all things have become new. Our past is just that, gone and forgotten, all under the blood. Arise to walk in newness of life.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Seed for Sept 23

Heb 11:13-1613 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.14 People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.15 If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.16 Instead, they were longing for a better country-- a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.(NIV)

This passage is about the Hall of Fame of the Faithful. The point today is the verse saying "if they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return." This is speaking to us spiritually, and talking about the life we left before we knew the Lord. I call them my "BC" (before Christ) days. If I were to spend all my time talking and thinking about the past life of sin I left behind, I would have opportunity to return to that past life.

Ever hear people, who claim to be converted, yet spend all their talking time about their past bad life? They are "mindful" of the country they left and it will not be long until they are longing to return like a fool to his folly.

We have a new hope, and a new mind, and have become a new creation. We may remember out past, but God does not! He will never remember it against us again, so it is best if we forget. Paul said it best, "Forgetting those things that are behind, I press on..."

Remember you are what you think about all the time. Let this same mind be in you that was in Christ.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Seed for Sept 19

Prov 18:2121 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.(NIV)

What a mighty tool we each possess. The Bible says that from our hearts our mouth speaks. There is a true proverb (though not Bible) that says the tongue has long root that reach to the heart.

Every one of us has the ability to speak life into someone else. We have the Words of Life resident in us. The Bible declared that grace was poured from His lips. That same grace (undeserved unmerited favor) should be poured forth from our lips. The World is hungry to hear some words of life. The World is ready to hear someone speak life into their spirits. There was a valley of dry bones and the Lord asked, "Can these bones live?" The prophet answered, " You know Lord." Then the Lord said, "Speak to these bones." The power of life and death is in our tongues, so speak life and grace and blessings to those that hear you.

Seed for Sept 18

What is the most honorable thing that can be said about a man? "He is a man of his word." In other words what ever he says you can trust to be true. That is exactly what our God is to us. He is a God of His Word. He can never lie or fail. We can take His Word to the bank! Our now, future and eternity hangs on ..."thus says the Lord." Without being able to trust God's Word we would have nothing but sinking sand for our hope. Ever stood on the beach while the water erodes the sand around your feet? Not so with our God. For our feet are firmly placed upon the Rock of His Word. I know in whom I have believed that every word He has spoken will come to pass. The enemy wants you to doubt even one verse, and thus start the eroding of your faith. Don't be tricked, doubting God is a slippery slope.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Seed for Sept 17

He is the Vine and we are the branches. Another way to say and understand that verse is that He is the tree trunk and we are the branches, since we have not spent much time around grape vines. He is the stock and we draw our life from the Source the root thru the vine/trunk. An amazing thing is that we can take a orange tree and graft a branch into the trunk and produce grapefruits off the same tree that produces oranges!

That brings me to the thought of the day. Jesus is the main Vine/trunk and we are grafted in to him, as the wild olive branch the Word says. We are to take our nourishment from the root (God) and produce fruit to Him. Unfortunately we have been able to graft our denominations into the true Vine and produce our denominations over and over again, when God's plan was to produce Jesus. We have a Vine/trunk that was to be full of branches of Jesus, and somehow it is full of Baptist, Methodist, Lutherans, etc. How did that happen?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Seed for Sept 16

"Let your conversation always be seasoned with salt that it might Minister grace to the hearers." That is what the Word has to say about how we speak. If you listen to people thru the day, you will surely hear another form of conversation. Our speech as Christians should give grace to the hearer. We should be the source of undeserved and unmerited favor from our mouths. We need to be self-aware of what we minister to others as we speak. Do we speak life, peace, love, joy, hope, patience, kindness, gentleness? Against these things the Bible says there is not "Law" prohibiting. But the works of the flesh are opposite and contrary to the Spirit. Are we led of the Spirit? Does our conversation (speech and lifestyle) minister life and love? Ask the Lord to allow us to hear what He hears. For out of the mouth the heart speaks. Be blessed.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Seed for Sept 15

Ps 103:10-1210 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.(NIV)

We do not receive what we deserve, we are not paid our just reward. But He has given us what we did not deserve, instead of guilt and condemnation, He gives loving kindness and tender mercies.

Seeing how the Lord has dealt with us, what manner of men we should be to others? We should show forth the love of God that is within in us. All that is of God is resident in His seed and that seed was planted in us, to produce Him. We are admonished to "grow up into Him." Instead of judgment we got mercy. Instead of condemnation we got forgiveness. Instead of conviction we were declared "not guilty"! Now freely we have received, let's freely give to others what they do not deserve, and let them see and know the living God living in us.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Seed for Sept 14

The Lord will provide: Jehovah provider.

Samaria faced 3 1/2 yrs of drought. No rain on the land meant no food crops, and many began to die. We all face droughts in life. There are times in our lives when prosperity or spirituality seems to run dry. This will be the testing of our faith, and God's faithfulness.

Elijah was God's man. He symbolizes every believer. Elijah was in the midst of the drought same as everyone else. God's people are not immune from the test of life. But the beauty of the story is how God provided for His people in the "lean" season. God told Elijah go and say beside a brook (living water). It is important to note that the drier the season becomes the closer to God we need to stay. Since God never changes position, it us up to us to move nearer to Him. Here comes the miracle, ready? God has ravens bring Elijah meat from the king's table. King Ahab, was Elijah's mortal enemy. Is God limited in the ways that He can feed us in the lean years? No! You may not like the "delivery system" (big black birds), yet God offers to us His plan of provisions. Can you imagine God's divine provision coming from our greatest enemy? The Lord provides! Are we going to complain against God's way? Or marvel that we eat and live and are watered by God's unseen hand?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Seed for Sept 12

Abraham found Him to be the God that provides, when there was a ram caught in the thicket for an offering. Israel found Him to be the God that provides when they were fed with manna for 40 yrs and their clothes did not wear out!

I have found Him a God that provides for over 30 yrs and always being self-employed, we have never gone hungry! He has been more than wonderful to me and mine. Even if there were no resurrection, I would still serve Him, because He cares for me.

Don't think there is anything to hard for Him, He parted the Red Sea. Don't ever think there is not a great concern for you and the things in life you pass thru, for He said He would never leave nor forsake you. Who else has stuck by you all your life? When everyone else turned their back or forgot me, He was always there listening and helping. A present help in time of need. Is there anything too hard for Jesus? No not anything He can't or won't do for those that love Him and call on His name often.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seed for Sept 11

Some feel that they go to the "right" church, or hold the "right doctrine," or have the "right" standard, or the "right" formula, and none more than Paul. Paul said "A Pharisee of Pharisees, of the Law blameless, but I count it all dung for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ."

If anyone had it all had to be Paul, and yet Paul said it was nothing, he trusted in nothing, he counted is own standard of holiness as nothing, his right religion as nothing, his visions and dreams as nothing...

Reminds me of the song: Not of good that I have done...nothing but the blood of Jesus.

We need to ask ourselves what, exactly, are we trusting in? Something we can do? Something we said? Some place we go? Some membership we hold? Or is it really all about the blood of Jesus?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Seed for Sept 10

What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it just an affirmation that there is/was a Jesus? Does it mean joining a religious sect/denomination? It is just a happy confession of faith? It is shaking a preacher's hand, being baptized, having some religious experience (vision, voice, dream, feeling)?

Ask 100 people and probably get 100 different answers. Being a Christian literally means being a disciple (follower) of Jesus. Jesus said in order to do that, one had to be born again. John 3:3. It is that new birth, the planting of God's seed in us that makes us Christian (a new creature). We then become citizens of that Kingdom, by being born into that spiritual realm. Nothing short of the reality of being born again of His seed can make us Christian.

Being Christian is allowing the Life within to be expressed in this earth (me) as it is in heaven. Being Christian is reckoning ourselves dead, and He alive in us. Being Christian is a living expression of the Life within. Not an act of will worship, or mental conquest of the human nature. We are all sons of Adam by natural birth, and we CAN all become Sons of God by divine birth. We can only become a Son of God if God's life is planted in us. Then it is not us, but He that lives inside that both wills and does in us. Thus it is Him and not I. What a real Christian is, is being a living part of the God-body in the earth.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Seed for Sept 9

"This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." Seems like David has made a purposeful decision to praise the Lord. We wake each day with the same opportunity. There is an old saying, "Don't use up today's grace worrying about tomorrow's problems. Tomorrow you get new grace for that day." We can decide to praise Him today. We can decide to praise Him no matter what we are going thru. We can wake each day and decide this is His day and we will rejoice and be glad in it. We can decide to have a positive attitude because of Him and not because of our situations in life. I will rejoice. I will be glad. I will bless the Lord, Oh my soul. David was a man after God's own heart. God loves worship and praise, and when we do love worship and praise Him our own situations change. Bless the Lord!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Seed for Sept 8

I have often told people who are struggling with issues of self-worth that their worth is not based upon their skills, talents, personality, IQ, etc. It is based solely upon the fact that Elohim loves you. And that worth ("value" in your words) is evaluated by the price Elohim was willing to pay to redeem you unto Himself...the blood of His only Son. So, not only do we all have equal value, we have amazing value before Elohim. This comparing of one person against another, Paul said was unwise. It is the foundation of what became known as "The doctrine of the Nicolaitanes." This teaching was responsible for what is called "the clergy and laity split," that the ministers were more holy, and had more access to Elohim than the congregation. In Revelation 2:15, He says he HATES this teaching; and yet, the structure of the entire church (both Catholic and Christian) is based upon this doctrine. Now, though we have equal value, we do not have equal usefulness in the Kingdom; and if we are not of a repentant humble heart; we will go right back to using THAT as a standard for who is more important...back to value comparisons. No, in order for the Kindom to function properly, it is imperative that some perform more useful functions than others. This is the choice of Elohim, however, and not the choice of the believer. He places us in the Body as He chooses, and equips us as He chooses, and gives us gifts as He chooses. So, if He does all the choosing, who then can say one is better than another? I have referred to this as "the Law of Buckets." If we view ourselves as a bucket; and we see that in my bucket He places the giftings to lead many to Messiah; and in your bucket he places the gifts to organize meetings and to take a seat in the background...which one of us is the better? The answer is, we are equal, because we are both just buckets. What is placed in us is not of us. It is of Elohiom. If he places in your bucket to be an apostle or an apostle, and he places in my bucket to be a pastor, which is better? We are still the same; because we are still both just buckets. Grace and peace, Dana

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Seed for Sept 7

The Bible says we are not to be respecters of persons. God is no respecter of persons. In other words, God does not favor one person over another. Do you hear that? God respects all men and women alike. There is not a big person in the Kingdom and everyone else is a "little person". We are all the Body of God in the earth, and each and every one of us has the same value to God. Whether we sit on a golden throne or in an alley somewhere, to God we all have the same worth. Man elevates man. Man has respect of persons. Man makes one person high, and others low. Man says this person has value and this one has none/little. Man says this position in life is great and this position is small. Man says this person is closer to God and is a saint, when God says all His children have the same exact value. What is our value to God? We are His sons! Beloved it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when we shall see Him we shall be like Him! There will not be high places and low places in the Kingdom of God. The lowest believer in God has the same value as the highest Pope!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Seed for Sept 5

Lam 3:22-23
22 It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

His mercies are fresh everyday like the dew. It doesn't matter that I really blew it yesterday, for His mercy is fresh today! The best news I heard in a long long time is that you don't have to sin a little everyday. You sure won't hear that message in most churches. But whom the Son sets free is free indeed. He came to set His people free from sin and the power of sin. "Because of the grace of God should we go on sinning," Paul asked? "NO WAY!", he answers. If you have been crucified with Christ then you are dead and a dead man is freed from sin! That is powerful. If I fall, if I fail, if I slip, I have his fresh mercies day by day. But the power of God is working in me to set me free from "sinning a little everyday." Presenting our bodies a living sacrifice for God to live out His will in us is our whole duty. He has no sin problem and He live in me. Thus I have no sin problem.

A man that says I have to sin a little everyday because no one is perfect, has denied the Word and power of God. Let's hear what the word says, "How can we that are dead sin any longer?" "He that is dead is freed from sin." "I can do all things thru Christ who is my strength." "It He that wills and does in me." "I live yet not I but Christ lives in me."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Seed for Sept 4

We should tell our story every time we get a chance. Paul in the Book of Acts is recorded repeatedly giving his account of his conversion on the road to Damascus. "Let me tell you what happened to me on the way to Damascus". Every one of us should have a story that tells what the Lord has done for us. In this manner we are testifying to the nature of God. Others will be able to relate to what happened to you, and say to themselves "Wow, if He did that for them, what can He do for me?"

We are called to be witnesses. We are to get on the witness stand and tell what we saw and heard. Compare that to Paul's story on the way to Damascus. A witness tells what they saw and heard. Let me tell you what He did for me. I was lost and undone. Bound by drugs and sin, and a slave to my carnal appetites. When I reached the bottom rung of my ladder and found myself in prison and everything of any value taken away from me...I was so low I had only one way to look and that was UP! Then Jesus heard my cry and had mercy on me. Lifted me out of the miry clay and put me on the Rock that was higher than I. With over 30 years in service for the King of Kings, Jesus has never let me down, or left me alone. When all others forsook me, He was there. When no one else would listen, Jesus listened and moved for me. Did He give me everything I asked? NO! But He never let me down, but took me in as His son and led me to peace, joy, and freedom. That is my story of how I was on the road to “destruction” and He heard my cry.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Seed for Sept 3

The goodness of God leads a man to repentance. Too many think that the "terror" of God will lead men to God, but the Bible says the opposite. If that is true, then why do we threaten men with "hell," damnation, burning, torments if they don't serve the Lord? What is the greatest motivation factor, fear or love? That is is love. That is why we as Christians should always brag on Jesus. We should declare the goodness of the Lord, thus leading men to repentance. Who wouldn't want to serve a great God? Who would want to serve a God that is ready to bust your knuckles every time you mess up? Not me!

Paul every chance he had would tell his story of his conversion. "Let me tell you what happened to me on the road to Damascus." Paul never threatened men with fear of God to get them to know the Lord. Our job is to tell everyone that will listen what a great pleasure it is to serve a living and loving God. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. With everyone you meet, you can tell your story…how you were converted on the road to “destruction”!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Seed for Sept 2

Gen 11:3-93 They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth."5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building.6 The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.9 That is why it was called Babel-- because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.(NIV)

The world had just been destroyed by a flood, so men decided they would build their own tower of "salvation," and make a "name" for themselves. God confused their efforts, but the spirit of Babylon exist today, where men are still trying to make their own way to heaven, and build up their own names..."religious names" (denominations). There is nothing more confusing (Babel) than all the doctrines of men that permeates the Kingdom of God, each trying to elevate their own name, and building their own towers to heaven, glorifying themselves and living deliciously in the world. Men fleecing the flock of God so that they may live in golden palaces (Rome), built off the back of the poor people. There will be a day of judgment, but we are not to be discouraged in the mean time, knowing that God is faithful. We are to know them that labor among us, and by their fruits we are to know them. We are to judge a righteous judgment and speak the truth in love to every man.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Seed for Aug 30

John 14:17-19
17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.

We worship the invisible God. We are forbidden to make any likeness of anything, not an idol, not a charm, not a statue, not a plastic likeness, not a crucifix, not a picture, not a painting and bow to, worship to, or pray to… any likeness or image, at all, ever. We are to worship the invisible God, without a form, and that makes us distinct from all other peoples and religions of the World.

Our invisible God was once housed inside a tent, and later then the invisible God was once housed inside a Body, and now the invisible God has come to live inside us! This is a progressive revelation of the invisible God no man has or ever will see. Paul called Him the Unknown God who the world ignorantly worships. What sets us apart from all others? We worship who we know yet haven’t seen, the invisible God.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Seed for Aug 29

Is there any wonder why people become turned off to the things of God, when they read and hear things like this?

The Los Angeles Times recently reported on the Rolex lifestyle of Paul Crouch, the president of the Trinity Broadcasting Network. He flies around the world in a private turbojet and has 30 homes at his disposal, including beachfront mansions in California and a mountain retreat.

There also was just a TV article done on Benny Hinn, the $100 million dollar per year man, who spends the night in constantly in $2,000 plus per night hotel rooms and flies all over the world in his own private jet.

The Bible speaks of Mystery Babylon in the 18 chapter of Rev, and talks about the kings of the earth that are made rich by her (the false church system) delicacies. Extravagant living, million dollar salaries, golden palaces in Rome all in the name of God! It is time that we woke up and stopped giving to the sham and do like the bible said, "Remember the poor, orphans and widows. Somehow we have mistaken that admonition, of giving to the poor, to mean put $$$ in the offering plate. Some preacher say, "putting in the offering is giving to God," when that is not so. We have a Bible charge to be good stewards, to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Watching on every side for the deception of the enemy.

Everything that glitters in not gold, and every offering plate does not help God! Every preacher does not tell the Truth, but that in no way changes God's nature or truth. The Bible says we need heresy in the world (falsehood) to prove who is His and who is not His.

Someone needs to tell the truth. Someone needs to give account. Someone needs to sound the alarm. If the Church wont tell the truth, then who will? If we can't hear Truth from our pulpits, then who will tell us the truth? We have a still small Spirit speaking truth to us in our inward parts. We need to hear His voice.

If they claim to be His then they ought to walk just as He walked. Let’s beware of those who run greedily after the way of Balaam, who for money would preach against Israel. Preaching for $$$. The worst thing that ever happened to the Church was when it became "big business".

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Seed for Aug 28

Can we really walk on water like Peter did? Some people say we can do what ever we read in the Bible. Is that really right? When we read the Word of God we are reading the "general" Word of God, as opposed to the "specific" Word of God. Peter received a "specific" Word direct to him personally, that said "Peter Come," and he was able to walk on the water. Was it Peter's faith? No, it was Jesus command. God always holds His word up. When Moses under God's direction stretched his rod over the water and it became blood, was it Moses faith, or God's command? When Moses stretched his rod over the Red Sea and it parted, was it Moses' faith or God's command. We have to be careful when we just grab a bunch of verses and try to have faith to make something happen. We need to hear His Word, for He will bring His Word to pass. All things are possible, but only under the direction of the Will of God. We must hear His Word and believe His Word, and then we shall see the miracles of God.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Seed for Aug 27

Billy do you remember when you Baptized me in a muddy river Pescaria in a small village outside of Zacatecas, MX? That is when my Life took a dramatic right turn towards a Life of Victory in Jesus Christ, to me that; coupled with the Momentous Salvation of my acceptance of Jesus as my Lord and Savior, in that little house infested with scorpions, and Black Widow spiders in Mesquite, TX. Praises to The Lord, for having you along with your newly found Brothers in Christ, from Seagoville, FCI in TX. And of course 'Brenda Wells' knowing just what to do at the pivotal moment in time!

Shortly after returning from that Wonderfilled Trip, incredible things began to change in my own life, "He shall inhabit the Praises of "His people" and ever since that day when my life in Jesus became His life my outlook upon the life before Jesus, has been one of astonishment and Praise for all the Good things that can and do come when one Praises The Lord, for me never empty, for me always desiring to be filled to the Point that God intended for His children to be.

I give Praise because of Him I give Praise to Him who is able above all things to make me more like him than Old (BJ) Mike, each day I see just how much God loves us, Sharon and I have now been married for 35+ years not always happy not always good years, however through it all Jesus never gave up on me, nor my Darling devoted wife and for that matter neither did you. Praise Him who is able to bring completion to a life He saved for such a time as this.

This World and especially the USA is now seeing tribulation like never before, and will see never again, until Jesus comes for His Bride. AMEN? World without end..........Regardless of what Dana said I know just what Praising Him means and entails, maybe some do not, but suggesting and I quote here for one simple reason only! "The phrase has religious significance, but no real substantial meaning. Most Christians would not even begin to know HOW to praise Him without using the words," "I praise you." end quote....... I do NOT agree totally, as there are a lot of assumptions here, the least of which is "MOST CHRISTIANS"! This is saying more or less that he has met and witnessed Most Christians being less than Himself. That is rather a stretch in my estimation. Point Made no disrespect intended.

In His Precious Name, Mighty to Save,

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Seed for Aug 26

Good contrasts to consider this morning.

I think when people say it is hard to be a Christian, they are generally referring to living a selfless, sinless life. This IS hard for one who has not yet known repentance. It is hard to be alive unto Him, when we have not yet first been dead, indeed, unto sin.

Water baptism for most Christians is just an act whereby they get wet. They don't see it as a burial ceremony commemorating the death that took place in repentance.

For disciples who have experienced repentance and who have pressed on to learning the ways and the discipline of a divine Father; the verses you shared today have rich meaning. I think, however, to most Christians, these are just platitudes, high sounding words that carry "religious" significance, yet no real substantial meaning.

It's kind of like every Sunday when the masses gather and they lift their hands and sing "Praise the Lord," not realizing that the phrase "Praise the Lord" is actually a command to do something; but it isn't itself the action that it commands to be done. The phrase has religious significance, but no real substantial meaning. Most Christians would not even begin to know HOW to praise Him without using the words, "I praise you."

Grace and peace.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Seed for Aug 23

There is nothing more exact than Mathematics. In any language, in any country, even in space mathematics is an exacting science. Whether on top of a mountain, or in the lowest part of the sea 1+1 is always 2. There is not time nor place where mathematics cannot be right. You may have a question to the meaning of a word. There may be questions about correct translation of a word or phrase. There may be arguments about origins, or dates or history or the future. But there is one thing that you can count on, and that is that you can count on mathematics always being true right and accurate, no matter what. I guess that is why God's Word made this statement. "Reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to Christ." And the word "reckon" comes from the same word that has to do with accounting and accounting has to do with mathematics. In other words "count is so" is to reckon.

As sure as 1+1=2 so are we to reckon (accounting term) ourselves dead to sin. Sin has no more dominion over us. A dead man is free from the power of sin and temptation in his life. When did we die? Is it future? Or is it fact? Romans 6 said we were crucified with Christ. So at the same time He died, I died. The power of sin is broken in my life, and I can take that to the Bank! Remember everything spiritual works by faith. When I put my faith in His fact (The Word of God) then it becomes true in my life. So reckon it so!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Seed for Aug 22

Christians have the responsibility to manifest the living God in them. For this reason the Bible says, "Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity (sin)." Why? Because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Our lives manifest the truth of the Living God. If we manifest the power of sin in our lives, then we are telling the world, by our fruit, that sin is more powerful than God in us. We know that is not true!

Christians with habits which they say they can't break, are simply testifying with their lives that the power of "what ever" is greater in their lives than the power of God. How can we tell the world that "our little pet sin" is greater than God working in our lives?

We have been set free from the power of sin and death, by a higher power of LIFE. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Seed for Aug 21

I am sure if you have ever planted a garden, you must have marveled when you opened the radish seeds and saw how tiny they were. Yet you still planted them just the right depth and covered them up and expected them to grow, which they did. Even more amazing is how tiny the seed of a man is in his sperm. It is invisible to the naked eye, yet able to produce not something so small as a radish but something too wonderfully made as a human being! Seems the smaller the seed the greater the results. Could you even imagine the seed of faith that is so tiny it cannot be seen, yet when planted in my heart, changed my nature from a son of Adam to a Son of God. How wonderful is the plan of God. The smallest seed yields the greatest result! Now that is amazing!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Seed for Aug 20

The Bible calls Him a friend that sticks closer than a brother. We sing about what a friend we have in Jesus. But the real question is, Is He really your best friend? Does His love and yours surpass that of a mate? Do you feel towards Him like no other? Is He just an acquaintance of yours, or is He really your very best friend? Do you confide in Him like no other? Do you share the very core secrets of your heart? Do you lay bare even the most intimate details of your life? Is He your friend that sticks closer than a brother?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Seed for Aug 19

Can you believe that the Creator of the whole Universe has time for me? Me, only one soul of the 6+ billion on the earth, and He has time to be concerned with my needs and pay attention to my prayer? Hard to believe isn't it? That is probably why most people don't really believe. They just go thru the motions of believing just in case the Bible is right. But you know what? He has challenged us to prove Him. He, the Creator of the Universe, has said to us, any one of us, " If you will, I will." What a bold statement. What a broad offer! If we will, He will. Think about it. He has challenged each of us to believe His Word. He has offered each of us an opportunity for us to know if He really cares. If He is really interested. If He is really able. He said, "I will, if you will." The "secret" of this offer? You have to read His Word, the road map of life, and put Him on in your life. Then you become His and He becomes yours, and ask what you will and it will be done! He will, if you what is your answer?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Seed for Aug 18

The number one reason people struggle in living for God is lack of understanding/knowledge. With knowledge comes power and the enemy wants to keep men ignorant of the Knowledge of God. The Catholic faith forbid anyone to read or own the Bible for hundreds of years, and even now discourages the study of His Word, because “only the Priest can understand the Word of God”. (Wow, that sets me free from studying, since I can't understand it anyway.) If we knew the Truth of God, about what He is in us and what we are in Him, it would take all the struggle out of living for God. i.e. The more I try, the more I fail. Then stop trying and suddenly you stop failing. It is not us anyway, but Him in us, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. We do too much thinking and not enough believing on what He has told us in His Word. It is like a man trying to jump over the Grand Canyon. No one has and no one ever will! Men do the same thing, trying to please God in their living for Him. Only one has and only One will please God in His living and His name is Jesus. All the rest have and will fail continuously. The Good News is: It is not me but Him in me. It is not my righteousness but His that I wear. It is not my fight, but His to win. It is not my life, but His life living in me. I can't but He can and will and does!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Seed for Aug 17

Some people use "will power" to try to please God. They are constantly involved with "taste not, touch not, handle not" acts of "will" worship. But trying to please God from the ground of the old man, Adam, is an insurmountable task. If we could please God, then why was there a sacrifice of Calvary made? If we could have been good enough, or prayed enough, or read our Bible enough...then why did God require the blood of an innocent Lamb? The Good News is that God is ALREADY pleased with the offering Jesus made on the Cross. We don't have to add one thing to the FINISHED work of the Cross. What does He require of us? Romans 12:1-2 sums it all up. Since there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, we must actively present out bodies to Him a living sacrifice. What does He require? An active presentation of "self." What does "religion" require? The list is too long to mention here. Religion keeps us busy trying to "please" a God that is already pleased.

If you were to do everything perfect, yet not rely upon the finished work of Calvary for your righteousness, then you would fall miserably short. If you prayed 24 hours a day, it would not be enough. If you fasted 40 days on end, it would not be enough. If you studied your Bible without ceasing, it would not be enough. If you never ever thought even one bad thought, it would not be enough. But when God sees you through the blood offering of Jesus, He says that is enough. That, my friend, is the Good News.