Monday, December 29, 2008
Seed for Dec 29
Please consider helping the Orphans and Street kids of Haiti
In Jesus,
Billy and Jan Wells
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Seed for Christmas Day
The old grey beards were sitting at the gate of Jerusalem talking back and forth about what had just happened. Pilate had just yesterday executed several men in Jerusalem. One of the old grey beards spoke up saying,
Surely that Jesus really was Messiah, for I, personally witnessed Him open the eyes of a man born blind! No man has ever opened a man’s eyes born blind!
Another of the grey beards sitting at the gate agreed by saying,
I was there when Jesus feed over 5,000 men and women and children with just a small boy’s lunch, can you imagine that? Just a few pieces of bread and over 5,000 ate!
And another agreed that he too had witnessed one of the miracles of Jesus,
I saw Him raise a dead boy back to life at a funeral.
One by one each of the elders took turns in describing what miracles they had seen or heard this man had done. They all agreed only Messiah could have done such great and mighty miracles and yet the rulers had put Him to death.
Why? For what crime has this Jesus done worthy of death?
One of the elders an old grey beard, who once was an innkeeper in his younger days, said,
Oh, I would have given anything to have seen this great one or just one of his miracles. I just can’t believe He is really dead. Now I will never get to see Him.
Someone in the group responded to the old innkeeper, saying,
You did see Jesus….don’t you remember during the year of the census?
The old innkeeper smiled while thinking back to the year of the census and what a shrewd business man he had been.
The census…Oh, I remember that census many years ago, how could I forget? Everyone had to go to land of their fathers to be counted and taxed. Don’t you remember my Inn was the finest inn in all of Bethlehem? Just think, in those days rich travelers had to pay 2 prices to stay at my inn!
He said that with a boastful gleam in his eyes.
I can still remember those great camel caravans that came in late on those cold clear nights…they were so rich they had gold and silver chains weaved in the reigns of their camels. There must have been 10 or 11 camel caravans each night and I knew that some rich merchant would be coming from very far away and being tired and would pay a premium price to stay in my inn. So of course, I kept back my best rooms, just in case, for some rich traveler that I knew would be arriving late in the night. Being such a good business man I could get two prices for my rooms in those days. The census…
He boasted.
There were so many folks wanting a room, in the City of David, I just told everyone I had no rooms left. Sorry no room left in my inn. All the rooms are taken.
He winked,
But, secretly, I had saved back my best rooms for some rich travelers or some king or prince who would arrive late and pay my price! Being wise as I am, I wasn’t about to give away my best rooms to the poor.
He smiled as he thought about what a crafty business man he was!
But I’ll assure you, if Messiah would have ever come to my inn, well, I would have given Him my very best room and for free! He would have to pay nothing! But alas, no one famous ever comes to Bethlehem.
He said sadly.
I only wish I could have seen this Jesus the one they call Messiah. If only He would have come to my town and stayed at my Inn, I would have treated like a king!
Then one of the old grey beards replied,
But He did come to Bethlehem.
And the Inn keeper asked puzzled,
When? When did Messiah ever come to Bethlehem? I would have been the first to know! I was the innkeeper.
He did come, Messiah did come to Bethlehem.
And the Inn keeper said,
No, why, no, because if He had ever come He would have surely stayed at my Inn, the best inn in Bethlehem. No! Messiah never came to Bethlehem. I am sure of that!
No, He did come, Jesus really did come. Don’t you remember? One cold night during the census…?
And the old Inn keeper lifted his eyes up, thinking back long ago….
Nope, I just don’t remember.
Yes, yes you do, just think back.
The old grey beard said.
Don’t you remember a man with a woman riding a donkey? They came in late from Galilee during the censes, and you remember the woman was heavy with child.
Oh, let me think…perhaps I do remember, a woman riding on a donkey who as near her time of delivery.
The old Inn keeper said,
I think I remember a young couple with a donkey. It was cold and late, and she was ready to give birth at any time, or so they told me. That was so long ago. But, you know, I had reserved my best room for the rich, so I told all the poor there was no rooms left in my inn, and for them to look for a room elsewhere. But I remember this poor couple begged me, so I let them sleep in the barn. And I also remember someone said that she gave birth that night…but, I really don’t know. But what has that to do with Messiah?
That’s it! That was Him!
That was Messiah!
Who was Messiah?
The baby born that night in your stable was Jesus. Messiah came to Bethlehem and to your inn but you turned Him away. You had no place for Him. He was too poor.
Just then a deep sadness gripped the Inn keeper’s heart, as he thought back to that night. Tears began to fill his eyes….could it be? That the King of Kings had come to visit the old grey beard Inn keeper once and he had simply turned Him away.
The inn keeper slowly lifted up his eyes to heaven and quietly sighed possibly the saddest words ever spoken by a man,
If I had only known.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Seed for Dec 18
Please consider helping the Orphans and Street kids of Haiti
In Jesus,
Billy and Jan Wells
Monday, December 15, 2008
Seed for Dec 15
Monday, December 8, 2008
Seed for Dec 8
Friday, December 5, 2008
Seed for Dec 5
Billy and Jan Wells
Why not help orphans and plant your seeds into the real Kingdom?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Seed for Dec 4
Billy and Jan Wells
Why not help orphans and plant your seeds into the real Kingdom?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Seed for Dec 3
A: There were only 3 types of giving in the Bible.
1. The Law of the Tithe (which ended with the grace of God)
2. Free will offerings.
3. Alms = money to the poor.
The New Testament Church is commanded to remember the poor. The Orphans and Widows are always on God's heart. And we are commissioned to help those that sow to us spiritually. Since there is no more tithe in the New Testament, we should try to help the poor, orphaned and widows. My suggestion is to find an orphanage where you can send your money that really does get the money to the need and not "swallowed" up in some "money-machine" trying to make more money. Find an orphanage that needs your help. Sow into a soup kitchen or something that really helps the poor. Forget about TBN where the leaders live in golden palaces while robbing the welfare checks of poor people who believe their lies. If the leadership of any "supposedly" Christian organization lives in golden palaces, robbed from the backs of their followers, know it is not of God. He came and had no where to lay His head, though he owned the whole world. Selah. Everything that glitters is not gold.
Billy and Jan Wells
Why not help orphans and plant your seeds into the real Kingdom?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Seed for Dec 1
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Seed for Nov 26
2 Tim 3:12 "Everyone who will live a life devoted to Messiah Yahushua SHALL suffer persecution."
Messiah said it like this:
John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
I will sometimes channel surf through "Christian" TV stations; and almost every single time I do, I hear someone preaching the prosperity message. The crowd is "praising" and "rejoicing" at the message...and the offering plate surely has more money in it than if they had preached on suffering and enduring hardship. It is appalling to see those who would be leaders in the Body, appealing to the fleshly desire for comfort and riches; rather than preparing disciples for genuine life in Messiah.
I am reminded of the declarations of the Old Testament prophets who said judgment was coming because of the failure of the rules, the prophets and the priests...and lastly, the people. Those with responsibility are charged with greater accountability.
Grace and peace,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Seed for Nov 25
Monday, November 24, 2008
Seed for Nov 24
In reviewing your last SEED email, I have to say that I agree more with what you had to say about 'The Days of Resting' as each and everyday for a Born Again True follower of Jesus.
There are conditions of life for each of us that MUST reflect the Day of Sabbath, or day of rest from our Labors, that is NOT just a once a week obedience of The Law.
And is without question something that the Pharisees of the Jewish ruling class kept on occasion, as they felt they were above the law and even so convinced of their own superiority above the lower classes, that it gave them numerous opportunities to do what ever they saw fit to do!
Was it shame that brought them down? And was it anger and fear of The Messiah? Which eventually resulted in the wrongful trial of an innocent Man called Jesus, who paid in full for theirs and our sins by going to the Cross and all that the Romans had in store for common criminals, Death by torture and asphyxiation, and finally a spear in Jesus side. However the breaking of the bones like the tibia and fibula, did not happen to Jesus! I believe this was to show that Jesus was someone in a higher realm, and the fulfillment of Prophecy.
I am probably way off base here but at least you got me to think more about the so-called Sabbath Day, and how it relates to the Christian man/woman since it was written to us ALL!
In Jesus Precious Name,
Friday, November 21, 2008
Seed for Nov 21
Rom 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto Elohim..
Note that THIS marriage brings forth FRUIT unto Elohim. Nowhere does the Scripture say that keeping the Law brings forth fruit. The keeping of the Law is something the flesh does. This can be illustrated by understanding that it is YOU that keep the speed limit without need of the power of the Spirit in your life. Even the lost are able to keep the speeding limit. Does that please Elohim? No. Paul states plainly in Romans 8 that it is impossible for anything that emanates from the flesh to please Elohim.
Thus, we are separated from a fleshly existence of keeping laws to walk in the power of the Spirit, after we are united with Messiah. We need not concern ourselves with the Ten Commandments when we are walking in the Spirit; because Paul tells us in Galatians 5 that the life that is produced by the Spirit is one against which there is NO LAW. He also says it produces FRUIT unto Elohim...which brings us right back to Romans 7:4.
Billy rightly declares that our freedom comes as a consequence of our having died in Messiah. That is the fundamental necessity to deliver man from the works of the Law; but it is not a mindset that comes to us easily. That is probably why Paul spends the first seven verses of Romans 6 trying to explain this reality to us.
Now, there is a movement that seeks to bring believers back to keeping the law; but not to obtain righteousness (for by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified - Gal 2:16), but to please Elohim. This, of course, completely misunderstands the two-fold purpose of the Law: (1) Convince us that we are sinners and are impotent to keep the law perfectly; and (2) to bring us to Messiah. Once we have come to Messiah, the Law has fulfilled its purpose, like a pedagogue that has trained a child to walk and act and live maturely. The objective of a pedagogue is to make himself redundant. Once the child becomes mature, keeping the pedagogue around is just absurd and foolish.
A great question...thanks for the opportunity to blog on it.
Grace and peace,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Seed for Nov19
Monday, November 17, 2008
Seed for Nov 17
The Lord does not love us conditionally, but unconditionally. He loved us so much He gave us Redemption. The Bible says, While, we were yet sinners, He died for us. Another verse, Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God! Once we get a vision of the love He loves us with, it should create in us a passionate love toward God. Man's love is turned inward. "I love you if you love me". Man's love at best is "selfish". But God's love is giving, outward flowing, and free. He loved us first, then we came to know Him and His love and began to love Him back. The problem was that our natural love was inadequate to love Him with, so He fills us with His Spirit of Love to love Him with. That is a powerful thought. Since my love was not enough, He filled me up with His love to love with. Beloved love one another. Be blessed
Friday, November 14, 2008
Seed for Nov 14
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Seed for Nov 12
Grace and peace, and thanks for today's seed.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Seed for Nov 10
Friday, November 7, 2008
Seed for Nov 7
Let me say loud and clear right here, "Jesus is the Truth," not our pet doctrines, or biblical understanding of some passage, or denominational linage, but Jesus! Only Jesus is the Truth. If you have found anything else but Jesus, then you have not found the Truth. Don't let anyone bewitch you into believing any denomination has a "corner" on Truth. Don't let anyone bewitch you into believing their brand of religion is the only Truth around, and unless you are like them you don't have Truth. Jesus is the Truth the Way and the Life. He that has the Son has Life and he that has not the Son has not life. That verse said nothing about a brand of religion, or pet doctrine, or some other discovery, but he that has the Son!
I think we will all be surprised how many of us, who thought we had it right, really had it wrong! If it were not for the Real Truth, Jesus, and His grace and mercy, there is not a single person that would stand a chance. If you are not firmly planted upon the solid Rock of His word, then you don't have truth. He said I am the Truth. There is no other. Be blessed
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Seed for Nov 6
Friday, October 31, 2008
Seed for Oct 31
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Seed for Oct 30
What they are missing from the lives of believers is a confidence in the good news; and a quality of discipleship that disposseses the believer from his own self-motivated lifestyle. The world understands that to receive REAL life and redemption from their own sin will cost them everything. They just don't see the professors of that redemption paying that price in their own they see us as fools; and our message as false hope.
A disciple of Messiah would be amazed at the response he/she gets if they live obedient lives to Messiah; and shares their testimony with confidence to the lost.
Grace and peace,
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Seed for Oct 29
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Seed for Oct 28
Monday, October 27, 2008
Seed for Oct 27
The Lord had better plans for them, as well as for us. Jesus never intends for us to just wander around from circumstance to circumstance wondering why did this happen to me, or "poor me"! The Lord wants us to walk in victory. He wants us to get past the infantile age of whining and crying, and go forward and in victory and take our inheritance in the Spirit. We are to be more than conquerors, with more than abundant life. We are to walk in peace and victory, and to defeat every giant in our way. We are to possess the land for the Kingdom of God and eat from a land flowing with milk and honey.
Israel gets to "bitter" water and complains. Israel eats angel's food and complains. Israel sees a problem and complains. That is a carnal Christian.
Joshua and Caleb had "another" spirit and said "We are able and well able to take the land!" That is a Spiritual Christian. Examine yourself, Paul said. Be blessed.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Seed for Oct 24
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Seed for Oct 23
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Seed for Oct 22
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Seed for Oct 21
Monday, October 20, 2008
Seed for Oct 20
Many are so busy with the cares of this life, and seeking the treasures of this world, that they have no time to seek Him. Or they have the "God" thing down to something you do one day a week or so...just some religious thing we do. We often just go through the motions of seeking Him. But He is not a "treasure" to us. The Bible says that where a man's treasure is, there will his heart be. Jesus is that Pearl of Great Price. He is the treasure buried that we might go and sell all that we have, to buy Him. We are to seek Him with all our heart, and go after Him with all our being. What do I spend all my time seeking after?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Seed for Oct 17
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Seed for Oct 16
We are to experience the joy of our salvation on a daily basis. We are to go from victory to victory, and from faith to faith. We are to enjoy all our inheritances now from the Lord. We are to possess the Spiritual land we live in as conquerors and more than conquerors. This is so far above the "wilderness" experience that there is no comparison. Living this promised life has to do with Him increasing in us. It includes us growing in grace and knowledge and to come to the understanding of Him in us, and the hope of His calling.
If our only experience in God is only "church going" on Sunday, or whenever, then we will wander around as "wilderness" Christians all our lives. But if He is our desire and the object of our devotion, the Lover of our life, then we can inherit all He has for us now!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Seed for Oct 15
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Seed for Oct 14
Monday, October 13, 2008
Seed for Oct 13
If the Lord be on our side who can stand against us? What a privilege to know He that neither slumbers nor sleeps, but keeps watch always over those that love Him and call upon His name Jesus! We have nothing to fear or dread, for fear has torment. He did not give a spirit of fear, but of love power and a sound mind. We are reminded to be mindful of the benefits of serving the Lord, who forgives all our sins, and heals all our diseases. What a great God we serve and what a wonderful blessing to know His name, Jesus!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Seed for Oct 10
We need to know that it is the Lord that rules and reigns over us and not luck. We are to look for the doors that the Lord opens, and not try to open the doors in life that the Lord has closed to us. So our constant prayer (conversation to God) should be Lord you are in control of every detail of my life and I give you glory, not my lucky saints!
"Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways and He will direct your steps" pretty much takes luck and chance out of the equation. Trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understanding, and always ask His leading in every situation. Be not anxious about anything, but enjoy the comfort and peace of God in every situation. I have a new attitude: "I sit back and see where the Lord is taking me, and what I am about to enjoy." For you see my hope and trust is in Him, and I will not give His glory to another.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Seed for Oct 9
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Seed for Oct 8
What is our hearts desire? Is it Him? Do we long for a real and rich living relation with the King and our God? Do we seek Him early, late and long? Is it His name we love to speak, and His face we desire to see? Is He the lover of our soul? The hope of our future? The desire of all our longings? Are we really seeking Him? He said, "I will be found when you seek me with all your heart!" After all that was the whole reason I was seek God!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Seed for Oct 7
Remember Israel at the Red Sea. Defeat was eminent and yet they still won. Incredible!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Seed for Oct 6
The Lord said in His word, behold I set before you life and death, choose life, for why will you die O House of Israel? The way of the world leads to death, but the power of God in us yields the fruit of life. Who would not choose life, when put in those terms? Let your mind be transformed into the mind of Christ by the power of God. Paul said, "Let this same mind be in you that was in Christ, who thought it not robbery to be equal to God, but made no reputation of himself, but humbled himself to be obedient even to the cross." We are being change from glory to glory, we are decreasing and He is increasing in us. We are being transformed into sons of God! Powerful!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Seed for Oct 3
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Seed for Oct 2
Monday, September 29, 2008
Seed for Sept 29
Friday, September 26, 2008
Seed for Sept 26
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Seed for Sept 25
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Seed for Sept 24
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Seed for Sept 23
This passage is about the Hall of Fame of the Faithful. The point today is the verse saying "if they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return." This is speaking to us spiritually, and talking about the life we left before we knew the Lord. I call them my "BC" (before Christ) days. If I were to spend all my time talking and thinking about the past life of sin I left behind, I would have opportunity to return to that past life.
Ever hear people, who claim to be converted, yet spend all their talking time about their past bad life? They are "mindful" of the country they left and it will not be long until they are longing to return like a fool to his folly.
We have a new hope, and a new mind, and have become a new creation. We may remember out past, but God does not! He will never remember it against us again, so it is best if we forget. Paul said it best, "Forgetting those things that are behind, I press on..."
Remember you are what you think about all the time. Let this same mind be in you that was in Christ.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Seed for Sept 19
What a mighty tool we each possess. The Bible says that from our hearts our mouth speaks. There is a true proverb (though not Bible) that says the tongue has long root that reach to the heart.
Every one of us has the ability to speak life into someone else. We have the Words of Life resident in us. The Bible declared that grace was poured from His lips. That same grace (undeserved unmerited favor) should be poured forth from our lips. The World is hungry to hear some words of life. The World is ready to hear someone speak life into their spirits. There was a valley of dry bones and the Lord asked, "Can these bones live?" The prophet answered, " You know Lord." Then the Lord said, "Speak to these bones." The power of life and death is in our tongues, so speak life and grace and blessings to those that hear you.
Seed for Sept 18
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Seed for Sept 17
That brings me to the thought of the day. Jesus is the main Vine/trunk and we are grafted in to him, as the wild olive branch the Word says. We are to take our nourishment from the root (God) and produce fruit to Him. Unfortunately we have been able to graft our denominations into the true Vine and produce our denominations over and over again, when God's plan was to produce Jesus. We have a Vine/trunk that was to be full of branches of Jesus, and somehow it is full of Baptist, Methodist, Lutherans, etc. How did that happen?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Seed for Sept 16
Monday, September 15, 2008
Seed for Sept 15
We do not receive what we deserve, we are not paid our just reward. But He has given us what we did not deserve, instead of guilt and condemnation, He gives loving kindness and tender mercies.
Seeing how the Lord has dealt with us, what manner of men we should be to others? We should show forth the love of God that is within in us. All that is of God is resident in His seed and that seed was planted in us, to produce Him. We are admonished to "grow up into Him." Instead of judgment we got mercy. Instead of condemnation we got forgiveness. Instead of conviction we were declared "not guilty"! Now freely we have received, let's freely give to others what they do not deserve, and let them see and know the living God living in us.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Seed for Sept 14
Samaria faced 3 1/2 yrs of drought. No rain on the land meant no food crops, and many began to die. We all face droughts in life. There are times in our lives when prosperity or spirituality seems to run dry. This will be the testing of our faith, and God's faithfulness.
Elijah was God's man. He symbolizes every believer. Elijah was in the midst of the drought same as everyone else. God's people are not immune from the test of life. But the beauty of the story is how God provided for His people in the "lean" season. God told Elijah go and say beside a brook (living water). It is important to note that the drier the season becomes the closer to God we need to stay. Since God never changes position, it us up to us to move nearer to Him. Here comes the miracle, ready? God has ravens bring Elijah meat from the king's table. King Ahab, was Elijah's mortal enemy. Is God limited in the ways that He can feed us in the lean years? No! You may not like the "delivery system" (big black birds), yet God offers to us His plan of provisions. Can you imagine God's divine provision coming from our greatest enemy? The Lord provides! Are we going to complain against God's way? Or marvel that we eat and live and are watered by God's unseen hand?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Seed for Sept 12
I have found Him a God that provides for over 30 yrs and always being self-employed, we have never gone hungry! He has been more than wonderful to me and mine. Even if there were no resurrection, I would still serve Him, because He cares for me.
Don't think there is anything to hard for Him, He parted the Red Sea. Don't ever think there is not a great concern for you and the things in life you pass thru, for He said He would never leave nor forsake you. Who else has stuck by you all your life? When everyone else turned their back or forgot me, He was always there listening and helping. A present help in time of need. Is there anything too hard for Jesus? No not anything He can't or won't do for those that love Him and call on His name often.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Seed for Sept 11
If anyone had it all had to be Paul, and yet Paul said it was nothing, he trusted in nothing, he counted is own standard of holiness as nothing, his right religion as nothing, his visions and dreams as nothing...
Reminds me of the song: Not of good that I have done...nothing but the blood of Jesus.
We need to ask ourselves what, exactly, are we trusting in? Something we can do? Something we said? Some place we go? Some membership we hold? Or is it really all about the blood of Jesus?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Seed for Sept 10
Ask 100 people and probably get 100 different answers. Being a Christian literally means being a disciple (follower) of Jesus. Jesus said in order to do that, one had to be born again. John 3:3. It is that new birth, the planting of God's seed in us that makes us Christian (a new creature). We then become citizens of that Kingdom, by being born into that spiritual realm. Nothing short of the reality of being born again of His seed can make us Christian.
Being Christian is allowing the Life within to be expressed in this earth (me) as it is in heaven. Being Christian is reckoning ourselves dead, and He alive in us. Being Christian is a living expression of the Life within. Not an act of will worship, or mental conquest of the human nature. We are all sons of Adam by natural birth, and we CAN all become Sons of God by divine birth. We can only become a Son of God if God's life is planted in us. Then it is not us, but He that lives inside that both wills and does in us. Thus it is Him and not I. What a real Christian is, is being a living part of the God-body in the earth.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Seed for Sept 9
Monday, September 8, 2008
Seed for Sept 8
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Seed for Sept 7
Friday, September 5, 2008
Seed for Sept 5
22 It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
His mercies are fresh everyday like the dew. It doesn't matter that I really blew it yesterday, for His mercy is fresh today! The best news I heard in a long long time is that you don't have to sin a little everyday. You sure won't hear that message in most churches. But whom the Son sets free is free indeed. He came to set His people free from sin and the power of sin. "Because of the grace of God should we go on sinning," Paul asked? "NO WAY!", he answers. If you have been crucified with Christ then you are dead and a dead man is freed from sin! That is powerful. If I fall, if I fail, if I slip, I have his fresh mercies day by day. But the power of God is working in me to set me free from "sinning a little everyday." Presenting our bodies a living sacrifice for God to live out His will in us is our whole duty. He has no sin problem and He live in me. Thus I have no sin problem.
A man that says I have to sin a little everyday because no one is perfect, has denied the Word and power of God. Let's hear what the word says, "How can we that are dead sin any longer?" "He that is dead is freed from sin." "I can do all things thru Christ who is my strength." "It He that wills and does in me." "I live yet not I but Christ lives in me."
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Seed for Sept 4
We are called to be witnesses. We are to get on the witness stand and tell what we saw and heard. Compare that to Paul's story on the way to Damascus. A witness tells what they saw and heard. Let me tell you what He did for me. I was lost and undone. Bound by drugs and sin, and a slave to my carnal appetites. When I reached the bottom rung of my ladder and found myself in prison and everything of any value taken away from me...I was so low I had only one way to look and that was UP! Then Jesus heard my cry and had mercy on me. Lifted me out of the miry clay and put me on the Rock that was higher than I. With over 30 years in service for the King of Kings, Jesus has never let me down, or left me alone. When all others forsook me, He was there. When no one else would listen, Jesus listened and moved for me. Did He give me everything I asked? NO! But He never let me down, but took me in as His son and led me to peace, joy, and freedom. That is my story of how I was on the road to “destruction” and He heard my cry.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Seed for Sept 3
Paul every chance he had would tell his story of his conversion. "Let me tell you what happened to me on the road to Damascus." Paul never threatened men with fear of God to get them to know the Lord. Our job is to tell everyone that will listen what a great pleasure it is to serve a living and loving God. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. With everyone you meet, you can tell your story…how you were converted on the road to “destruction”!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Seed for Sept 2
The world had just been destroyed by a flood, so men decided they would build their own tower of "salvation," and make a "name" for themselves. God confused their efforts, but the spirit of Babylon exist today, where men are still trying to make their own way to heaven, and build up their own names..."religious names" (denominations). There is nothing more confusing (Babel) than all the doctrines of men that permeates the Kingdom of God, each trying to elevate their own name, and building their own towers to heaven, glorifying themselves and living deliciously in the world. Men fleecing the flock of God so that they may live in golden palaces (Rome), built off the back of the poor people. There will be a day of judgment, but we are not to be discouraged in the mean time, knowing that God is faithful. We are to know them that labor among us, and by their fruits we are to know them. We are to judge a righteous judgment and speak the truth in love to every man.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Seed for Aug 30
17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.
We worship the invisible God. We are forbidden to make any likeness of anything, not an idol, not a charm, not a statue, not a plastic likeness, not a crucifix, not a picture, not a painting and bow to, worship to, or pray to… any likeness or image, at all, ever. We are to worship the invisible God, without a form, and that makes us distinct from all other peoples and religions of the World.
Our invisible God was once housed inside a tent, and later then the invisible God was once housed inside a Body, and now the invisible God has come to live inside us! This is a progressive revelation of the invisible God no man has or ever will see. Paul called Him the Unknown God who the world ignorantly worships. What sets us apart from all others? We worship who we know yet haven’t seen, the invisible God.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Seed for Aug 29
The Los Angeles Times recently reported on the Rolex lifestyle of Paul Crouch, the president of the Trinity Broadcasting Network. He flies around the world in a private turbojet and has 30 homes at his disposal, including beachfront mansions in California and a mountain retreat.
There also was just a TV article done on Benny Hinn, the $100 million dollar per year man, who spends the night in constantly in $2,000 plus per night hotel rooms and flies all over the world in his own private jet.
The Bible speaks of Mystery Babylon in the 18 chapter of Rev, and talks about the kings of the earth that are made rich by her (the false church system) delicacies. Extravagant living, million dollar salaries, golden palaces in Rome all in the name of God! It is time that we woke up and stopped giving to the sham and do like the bible said, "Remember the poor, orphans and widows. Somehow we have mistaken that admonition, of giving to the poor, to mean put $$$ in the offering plate. Some preacher say, "putting in the offering is giving to God," when that is not so. We have a Bible charge to be good stewards, to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Watching on every side for the deception of the enemy.
Everything that glitters in not gold, and every offering plate does not help God! Every preacher does not tell the Truth, but that in no way changes God's nature or truth. The Bible says we need heresy in the world (falsehood) to prove who is His and who is not His.
Someone needs to tell the truth. Someone needs to give account. Someone needs to sound the alarm. If the Church wont tell the truth, then who will? If we can't hear Truth from our pulpits, then who will tell us the truth? We have a still small Spirit speaking truth to us in our inward parts. We need to hear His voice.
If they claim to be His then they ought to walk just as He walked. Let’s beware of those who run greedily after the way of Balaam, who for money would preach against Israel. Preaching for $$$. The worst thing that ever happened to the Church was when it became "big business".
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Seed for Aug 28
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Seed for Aug 27
Billy do you remember when you Baptized me in a muddy river Pescaria in a small village outside of Zacatecas, MX? That is when my Life took a dramatic right turn towards a Life of Victory in Jesus Christ, to me that; coupled with the Momentous Salvation of my acceptance of Jesus as my Lord and Savior, in that little house infested with scorpions, and Black Widow spiders in Mesquite, TX. Praises to The Lord, for having you along with your newly found Brothers in Christ, from Seagoville, FCI in TX. And of course 'Brenda Wells' knowing just what to do at the pivotal moment in time!
Shortly after returning from that Wonderfilled Trip, incredible things began to change in my own life, "He shall inhabit the Praises of "His people" and ever since that day when my life in Jesus became His life my outlook upon the life before Jesus, has been one of astonishment and Praise for all the Good things that can and do come when one Praises The Lord, for me never empty, for me always desiring to be filled to the Point that God intended for His children to be.
I give Praise because of Him I give Praise to Him who is able above all things to make me more like him than Old (BJ) Mike, each day I see just how much God loves us, Sharon and I have now been married for 35+ years not always happy not always good years, however through it all Jesus never gave up on me, nor my Darling devoted wife and for that matter neither did you. Praise Him who is able to bring completion to a life He saved for such a time as this.
This World and especially the USA is now seeing tribulation like never before, and will see never again, until Jesus comes for His Bride. AMEN? World without end..........Regardless of what Dana said I know just what Praising Him means and entails, maybe some do not, but suggesting and I quote here for one simple reason only! "The phrase has religious significance, but no real substantial meaning. Most Christians would not even begin to know HOW to praise Him without using the words," "I praise you." end quote....... I do NOT agree totally, as there are a lot of assumptions here, the least of which is "MOST CHRISTIANS"! This is saying more or less that he has met and witnessed Most Christians being less than Himself. That is rather a stretch in my estimation. Point Made no disrespect intended.
In His Precious Name, Mighty to Save,
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Seed for Aug 26
I think when people say it is hard to be a Christian, they are generally referring to living a selfless, sinless life. This IS hard for one who has not yet known repentance. It is hard to be alive unto Him, when we have not yet first been dead, indeed, unto sin.
Water baptism for most Christians is just an act whereby they get wet. They don't see it as a burial ceremony commemorating the death that took place in repentance.
For disciples who have experienced repentance and who have pressed on to learning the ways and the discipline of a divine Father; the verses you shared today have rich meaning. I think, however, to most Christians, these are just platitudes, high sounding words that carry "religious" significance, yet no real substantial meaning.
It's kind of like every Sunday when the masses gather and they lift their hands and sing "Praise the Lord," not realizing that the phrase "Praise the Lord" is actually a command to do something; but it isn't itself the action that it commands to be done. The phrase has religious significance, but no real substantial meaning. Most Christians would not even begin to know HOW to praise Him without using the words, "I praise you."
Grace and peace.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Seed for Aug 23
As sure as 1+1=2 so are we to reckon (accounting term) ourselves dead to sin. Sin has no more dominion over us. A dead man is free from the power of sin and temptation in his life. When did we die? Is it future? Or is it fact? Romans 6 said we were crucified with Christ. So at the same time He died, I died. The power of sin is broken in my life, and I can take that to the Bank! Remember everything spiritual works by faith. When I put my faith in His fact (The Word of God) then it becomes true in my life. So reckon it so!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Seed for Aug 22
Christians with habits which they say they can't break, are simply testifying with their lives that the power of "what ever" is greater in their lives than the power of God. How can we tell the world that "our little pet sin" is greater than God working in our lives?
We have been set free from the power of sin and death, by a higher power of LIFE. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Seed for Aug 21
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Seed for Aug 20
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Seed for Aug 19
Monday, August 18, 2008
Seed for Aug 18
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Seed for Aug 17
If you were to do everything perfect, yet not rely upon the finished work of Calvary for your righteousness, then you would fall miserably short. If you prayed 24 hours a day, it would not be enough. If you fasted 40 days on end, it would not be enough. If you studied your Bible without ceasing, it would not be enough. If you never ever thought even one bad thought, it would not be enough. But when God sees you through the blood offering of Jesus, He says that is enough. That, my friend, is the Good News.